Subject: 7 Tips to Become an Expert at SharePoint

As more and more organizations are using SharePoint to improve their efficiency and productivity levels, SharePoint has become a wider and more complex field today. As a result, there is a dire need for IT professionals and technicians who can manage and perform various operations within a SharePoint environment. 

The following are some useful tips to become an expert at Microsoft SharePoint. 

1. Have a Service Delivery Methodology. Successful SharePoint service delivery means understanding, defining, and maintaining business ownership of SharePoint solutions.

2. Understand Microsoft SharePoint “Out of the Box” Features. While custom development is possible in SharePoint, it should be reserved for specific circumstances and only after thorough evaluation of available SharePoint capabilities.

3. Be Familiar with SharePoint Designer. SharePoint Designer is a specialized HTML editor and web design program for creating custom workflows for your documents and site contents on SharePoint.

4. Understand How to Build and Manage Large Document Libraries. Proper storage of a large number of documents is the end result of a successful SharePoint installation.

5. Understand and integrate other MS Cloud Service. Microsoft is rapidly building an ecosystem of cloud based services that can support your SharePoint and Office 365 environments. 

6. Knowledge of 3rd Party Tools. A good consultant is always trying to solve problems. Once they understand your requirements, they will be thinking how best to achieve the desired results. 

7. Capacity to Develop Custom Solutions. When customer requirements cannot be met with out of box features, SharePoint consultants should be aware of several sets of APIs available to create a custom/hybrid solution using the SharePoint framework.

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