Subject: T.E.E.B is blocking you from manifesting your desires

Have you ever heard of Gavin Stevens? He is the guy who runs a really popular personal development YouTube channel called Wake Up Fulfilled Now. I had the luxury of catching one of his webinars the other day and he talked about something that i’ve never heard of before. Well - I have, but he phrased it differently. He mentioned something that he calls T.E.E.B Which is an acronym for Trapped Emotions and Energy Blocks.

 Everything in the universe is energy. To be specific, everything is energy vibrating at a certain frequency as said by Nikola Tesla. In addition to that, we have a choice of which side we want to be on. Positive or negative. Trapped emotions and energy blocks are past negative vibrations that your mind and body haven’t chosen to let go of just yet.

 And those are the reasons as to why you aren’t living the life that you want to live and manifesting the things that you want to manifest. They are things that are pulling you away from achieving your goals. This presents two keys to being successful and achieving whatever you want to achieve. Get rid of the things that are pulling you away.

 Add more things that will put you towards your goal. And you cannot help but to accomplish that goal. This will set you on the right path to do that in any area of your life:


 Joseph Smith

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