Subject: I SWEAR This Is A True Story...

Every now and again I pick up a magazine. Just for interesting reads. Recently, I came across a very interesting story. ===> Click Here It was a true story about a security guard. He was homeless. He was $75K in debt. He was miserable. Indeed he had a lot on his plate. It's tough to be happy in this state. Neither is it healthy. Think about it... Every moment you're worried if things will continue to sustain themselves. Or, God forbid, if things will just collapse all at once. Living with THAT pain will surely light a fire under someone's butt. So, what does he do? He attends an internet marketing seminar. Surrounded himself with individuals who will pull him in the direction in which he wanted to go. He made a DECISION that it will work for him Now? He's a millionaire. He travels the world. He helps others realize their potential. Just as they teach in the Marine Corps - Where there's a will, there's a way. Hitting rock bottom may sound bad. But then again, it could be the BEST thing to ever happen to someone. It primes the engine for an AMAZING comeback. So much that it's nothing for someone to roll up their sleeves and get to work. Because they so desperately want to change their situation. All they would need is a PROVEN plan of action to do so. Something tells me that this is you. So... ===> Click Here Be on the lookout for future emails. Talk soon

Joseph Smith

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