Subject: well that was strange

I know it's been a while so I'll be quick.

Last time you heard from me was when I was publishing The Entrepreneur Letter.

For that I both apologize and am excited. Apologize for disappearing off the face of the earth so abruptly. Excited because if you thought I added value before, wait until you see what I have for you now.

But you don't have to take my word for it - let me show you.

Every week (including today) I will be providing you with training on how to leverage your web presence to automate your business.

These will be 3-5 minute video trainings on strategies and tools that will put your business on autopilot.

Awesome, how do I access this new training?!

If this interest you, click the video below to get started. This week's training is on How to Automate Your Business Without Losing the Personal Touch.

here's your weekly training
Click here to watch this week's training

Clicking the link above you will be added to my custom list of subscribers to receive these training going forward.

That's ok, I'd prefer not to receive your free strategies and training

However, if you're not interested in receiving training that will provide solid strategies on how to automate your business for growth and more profits - simply ignore this email.

I will take that as you would not like to be bothered with these sorts of emails from me going forward. That's fine. I promise I won't send them to you anymore, no hard feelings.

Either way I am very appreciative of your patience and understanding.

So whaddya say? Ready to take your online presence to the next level?

Simply click here and lets rekindle the flame

Hopefully I'll see you next week.

Chris L. Davis
Business Automation Specialist
