Subject: where did that month go?

Where did that month go since Claim Your Desire wrapped up?

It seems so long ago,  and for those who have done their Initiation, they know there is no going back to the old stance of life. Truly amazing to connect with so many women HUNGRY for the change, I acknowledge all those that said YES to stepping up to Do The  Work and claiming their freedom, power and depth of Truth.

Some people are curious as to what can happen in their lives once they are truly committed to the journey. Let me give you a quick insight into one of my clients, M, who did her Initiation with me in December, played full out on Claim My Desire, and her 1-1 work with me started mid January.

Before our first session, having been committed to surrendering and her need to know the HOW, opportunities and synchronicities arose one after the other. It has created a clear path to move to the other side of the country, her boyfriend asked her to consider it (without her saying a word to him first). She has been invited to stable her 5 horses at a place at one-tenth of her existing costs, near the beach and her new home. Her partner then was told of $100k of royalties from something he had done 20 years ago were on their way.  This opens up to spend the best part of a year plain sailing, enjoying life and each other, exploring the country. Living from a space of being Fully Alive and on Fire. 

Her freedom and joy is beyond anything should could have imagined, or planned. It all arose because she said YES to herself, ALL of herself, and OWNED she could already create magic from her Sovereignty.

I work with real Alchemy. Life changing events. Radical  and exponential shifts beyond your wildest dreams.  

Whilst all results are different, the one thing all my new clients have said, and all those waiting in the wings, is (paraphrased...)
"there is no other option. I cannot go on living like I was. there is only one thing left to do. This has to happen".

For they knew what they experienced during the energy encoding in the Initiation was so profound, they tasted, experienced and felt with every fibre what could be possible with this energetic liberation from lifetimes of patterning.

Are you ready for the same sense of freedom?
The options for moving forward after Initiation are still the same 1-1 with me for the haute-couture upgrade in consciousness. Or, to come join a very small, intimate group where we share the journey together. There are three spots left. 

The Group for Unleash The Alchemist will now start Friday 12 March, not February.
More spots have now opened in February and March for your Initiation, are you feeling the call to the Coven yet? 

Or will you remain in the space of your comfort zone, trying to figure out other solutions in your head, where the real answers will never be found?

Only ever up to you. 

The Coven awaits....
Josephine Sorciere, PO Box 6119, 5065, Linden Park, Australia
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