Subject: "The Coven is waiting for youFriend

Claim My Ultimate Desire

Dear Friend,

The first few days of the Coven are on fire! so many women clear on how they want to live their lives, ready to do what it takes to clear the blocks. To finally take ownership of who they really are.

Day 1 Livestream was a flow of wisdom, explaining what I mean by the Light Grid, Shadow v dark, and drops of the new myth of consciousness. Here were a few comments :

"I learned more in 30 minutes than I have in 20years! I’m excited to learn more!!!" DS.

"Wow. Pleasantly triggered, already letting go of trying to fit into these old constructs. For the past couple years I've been trying to reconcile this teaching of "we are all the same" and always feeling like I'm not getting it. This is day 1?!?! Can't wait for what's to come" KS

"Wow ... I’m loving this and I’m in, its right on !" TR

As the momentum and energy builds, I am keen you don't miss out. I am looking forward to reading your Intro post, as well as the day 1 challenge, what is your deepest desire?

Both videos and threads, along with today's livestream, are ready and waiting for you in the group.

Join now


The challenge does require you to be active and present for all five days for you to get the most out of it, though you don't have to be on live, just catch the recording and comment. It is a prime opportunity to gain insight into why your life feels stuck, still running in fear and illusions, even if you cannot see them for yourself.

I am honed at shattering the mirror where most are too afraid to tread. The powerful Activations and transmissions will sky rocket your frequency, if you are ready to receive the higher dimensions of living. I will be running the Activations once the doors close on Coven entry tomorrow. So, if you would like to be in, hop on over to the group right now to get started.

If the timing is off for you, simply unsubscribe (link below). Just don't be a voyeur watching from the sidelines. There is no spectator sport in my Coven.

See you there,


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