Subject: Day 5: what are you willing to give up Friend?

What are you willing to give up for your desire Friend?!

Happy New year! it has just ticked over to 01/01/2021 here. The day of new beginnings in the freedom year of five. So ready! how about you?

Day 4 - we anchored in the Codes of Power with an off the chart Activation - how unstoppable do you feel right now??

We also went deep with wisdom coaching, blows me away how ready and hungry you are for the New. 

So, the last day already! what a blast it has been, and I have been BLOWN AWAY by the 50+ participants who have continually shown up and participated. Cudos to you!

With a double high-five to those who have already signed up for an Alchemy Initiation to go DEEP into their Soul patterns. 

The FB group has the final #day5 task ready and waiting for you.

What are you prepared to give up to have you desire?

As always, ensure you are up to date with tasks and livestreams before moving forward. 


Let's bring it all together today, so you are utterly clear on what it takes to claim your ultimate desire - and become a 21st century witch. 

My cauldron is percolating beautifully.... what are you ready to create??

I'll pop back in the group around lunchtime PST, and you will have a chance to ask any questions you may have.

Until then, 
Josephine Sorciere, PO Box 6119, 5065, Linden Park, Australia
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