Subject: Day 5: time for the Codes of Power Friend!

Did identifying your fears and shadow bring up a bucket load of crap for you Friend?!

Day 3 was time to wake up - what the real reasons are you have not been willing to claim your power and desires. 

How did the archetypes resonate for you? Can you now see with clarity what has been keeping you stuck and small for most of your life??

Deep breath, time to move on, with the courage to blast these illusions - for that is all they are - to smithereens. 

The FB group has #day4 task ready and waiting for you.

What are you prepared to do to claim your freedom?

As always, ensure you are up to date with tasks and livestreams before moving forward. 


Time to put your money where your mouth is - what are you prepared to do to finally have your desires?

Burning up a storm underneath my cauldron.... what are you ready to create??

I'll pop back in the group around lunchtime PST, and you will have a chance to ask any questions you may have.

Until then, 
Josephine Sorciere, PO Box 6119, 5065, Linden Park, Australia
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