Subject: "Claim Your ultimate d%sire" is a few days away .....

Claim My Ultimate Desire

Dear Friend,

We are just a few days out from starting the five day challenge you requested access to - it really is time to claim your ultimate desire.

Tomorrow, I will be adding every one to the FB group which is the platform I use to run the event. You may not have had a moment to hop on over and request a join, please do so now. That way, I know confirmed your place.

Join now


The challenge does require you to be active and present for all five days for you to get the most out of it, though you don't have to be on live, just catch the recording and comment. It is a prime opportunity to gain insight into why your life feels stuck, still running in fear and illusions, even if you cannot see them for yourself.

I am honed at shattering the mirror where most are too afraid to tread. The powerful Activations and transmissions will sky rocket your frequency, if you are ready to receive the higher dimensions of living.

We have spent too long wondering just what will happen this year, some are petrified to feel so out of control. This is your chance to embrace this freedom, find your power and voice and claim what is rightfully yours.

If the timing is off for you, simply unsubscribe (link below). I will remove you from the list if you are a no-show as we start, so hop off the fence and make your choice and commitment now.

Between now and then, have a fabulous festive season, making the most of what ever circumstances you find yourself in. Take a few minutes to consider what it is you most deeply desire to experience in your life - maybe not next week, or next year. But what is that ONE THING, if you didn't experience it in this lifetime, would you go to your grave regretting?

This will be our starting point. The precipice from which you can learn to fly.

Until then,


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