Subject: This system makes me more productive

This system keeps me productive

I can't tell you how happy I've been in the last few years to take personal development so seriously. My ability to stay positive and productive was maintained during the outbreak last year.

I must be completely honest and up-front about it; the stress I experienced while I was ill had an impact on me, but I eventually found a way to make the best of it. It'd be a different story if it happened seven years ago.

At the time, I was too occupied dealing with all the extraneous issues. I spent countless hours of time I will never be able to recover.


My comments included such phrases as: "I want to make the most of life. I'm looking to better myself." But I have never done anything useful. On Netflix, YouTube or TV, I consumed one piece of useless content after the other. I wasn't in my life's control.


How did I change things?

 After a great deal of introspection, I realised that my problem was procrastination: I put things off far too much. Nearly all the important things I delayed.


I wanted to write for years. It was difficult for me to start writing consistently for nearly a decade. That's how long I've been going on. I think sometimes where I'd be if I started to write earlier. But I realise quickly: we've only got today. I am pleased to have my book with 40 other co-authors to have this book published this year in April.


Have you ever experienced the phenomenon of setting goals but making no progress?


It's terrible. I'm sure you understand the feeling of being in the zone, too. We all have experiences where we have had an abundance of focus and productivity.


Procrastination doesn't occur when we're at our most creative. We're in the present completely. It should be like that every day.


The Cedar Tree Model: This is my online course's mission: to help you tackle deceleration and improve productivity.




You can read my students' testimonials on the home page. What you will find is that Procrastinate Zero 2 helps people to make more sense. Over the years, I love to see what my students have achieved.


This is now more important than ever because the world is changing so quickly. People who assume the pandemic is wrong behind us.


It is likely that the jobs that disappeared in 2020 will not be recovered. And as a result, we have to constantly innovate ourselves to remain relevant.


Personally, I used the system from this course to turn writing into a career and make two-figure income comfortable. A more important aspect was that I could finally start making decisions for myself.


CedarTree Model is a community that helps those who are serious about beating procrastination and cultivating a productive lifestyle.


There is a registration deadline, but it's only open for a week.


Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.




Don't forget to deduct the cost of this course when filing your taxes.

Most companies pay for online course reimbursements. You can ask them to change their policies if they do not (several of my students have done that in the past).

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