Subject: The Common Denominator of Success

The Common Denominator to Your Success 

Hi Friend

It has been long since I sent a newsletter,

I hope you and your family are doing well.

As for me, my grandson has been in hospital for more than seven days now.

He contracted a rare condition such that doctors are still battling to find the real cause. My poor grand is undergoing several tests including EEG, testing the motors of the brain. Anyway, life goes on...

Post Caronavirus era will come to an end one day. Everyone has fear of the unknown, Governments are trying to bell out companies from collapse, banks are squeezing their lending criteria, and employees are losing jobs. What effect will it have on your financial and general health?

But at the end of the day, the greatest common denominator to your success is you!

As Jim Rohn would say, whether it's the Democrats or Republicans in office, your personal philosophy and decisions impact how your life works out. But our freedom to choose and make choices overrides any other outside forces.  When I talk to them I'm beyond thankful for all the freedoms and luxury I have here, including the power of choice. When you have the power of choice, it's hard to be a victim.

Only personal transformation has an impact on others. And at the end of the day, the only thing we have 100% power over is our own personal choices. Create our future or be a victim to all the noise out there that wants us to abdicate our greatest gift - our power of choice.

Your health, relationships, work ethic, tendency to spend or save and - perhaps most important - your attitude are ALL determined by you.

As Jim Rohn would say, whether it's the Democrats or Republicans in office, your personal philosophy and decisions impact how your life works out.

Now some issues may seem big, very big! But our freedom to choose and make choices overrides any other outside forces. When you have the power of choice it's hard to be a victim.

To put this in perspective, I have monthly contact with a couple working in Africa. Often times the biggest challenge they're solving for themselves and their community is where their next meal is coming from. Disease on top of drought, hunger, theft and corrupt government interference are all there bearing down on them daily, making survival the highest priority. Freedom is a little-known concept, much less the concept of success.

When I talk to them, I'm beyond thankful for all the freedoms and luxury I have here, including the power of choice. To paraphrase Jim, "America is easy, Kenya is hard!"

In fact, as a leader, whether it's your family, your business or your team at work - complaining rarely works! Only personal transformation impacts others (and most importantly ourselves).

And at the end of the day, the only thing we have 100% power over is our personal choices. Choices of attitude, thoughts, habits, work ethic, health, etc.

The decision is ours and ours alone. Create our own future or be a victim to all the noise out there that wants us to abdicate our greatest gift - our power of choice.

Let's Do Something Remarkable Friend!

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