Subject: Cinemapolis Recommends - Virtual Cinema & Home 🎥 Viewing Options - 4/29
Cinemapolis Recommends - Virtual Cinema & Home 🎥 Viewing Options - 4/29
April 29th, 2020 at 2:19 pm EDTView this email in your browserGreetings, Cinemapolitans, Life in New York State is still on pause, but you can hit PLAY on four new virtual cinema offerings coming from Cinemapolis straight to your home starting this Friday. All these new movies a ...
Cinemapolis Recommends - Virtual Cinema & Home 🎥 Viewing Options - Earth Day Edition
April 22nd, 2020 at 12:34 pm EDTView this email in your browserHappy Earth Day, Cinemapolitans, The doors may be closed, but we're still here for you with another week of NEW virtual cinema coming your way. All five of last week's titles are being held over for ONE MORE week. To ...
Cinemapolis Recommends - Virtual Cinema & Home 🎥 Viewing Options - 4/15/2020
April 15th, 2020 at 3:13 pm EDTView this email in your browserGreetings, Cinemapolitans, Thanks to everyone who tried out our many virtual cinema offerings over the past several days. It's not the same as welcoming you into the cinema in person, but it'll have to do until we ma ...
Cinemapolis Recommends - Virtual Cinema & Home 🎥 Viewing Options - 4/8/2020
April 8th, 2020 at 6:22 pm EDTView this email in your browserGreetings, Cinemapolitans, Don't worry - you won't have don a headset or beam yourself into cyberspace, but starting this Friday, April 10th, Cinemapolis IS going virtual! In response to the statewide “stay at home ...
Cinemapolis Recommends - Updates & Home 🎥 Viewing Options - 4/1/2020
April 1st, 2020 at 4:21 pm EDTView this email in your browserGreetings, Cinemapolitans, It's no foolin' - we really miss watching movies with you. We're kicking off April with a closed cinema, but I'm constantly encouraged by the articles and emails flooding my inbox that make ...