Subject: [Christian Concepts] Rejuvenate Your Marriage By Comparing It To A Game 🦋

[Christian Concepts] Rejuvenate Your Marriage By Comparing It To A Game 🦋

August 8th, 2021 at 4:09 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? If I told you to stop playing games with your husband or wife, would that be helpful or unhelpful? It all depends on what “playing games” means. It might mean toying with your partner. This has the negative connotat ...

[Christian Concepts] Increase Your Motivation Just In Time 🦋

August 1st, 2021 at 3:53 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? Who couldn’t use more energy in their life? If you are lacking motivation, how can you become motivated to be more motivated? To become undepressed often requires a substantial amount of energy–an amount in short supply ...

[Christian Concepts] Act With Authority As You Live By The Spirit 🦋

July 25th, 2021 at 5:02 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? Authority implies both confidence and the power to back it up. How often do you feel confident enough to act with God’s power? If you’re like me, you can never have too many reminders that God is on your side empowering ...

[Christian Concepts] Heavenly Healing From The Inside Out 🦋

July 12th, 2021 at 8:34 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? Healing from the inside out will last for an eternity. That’s a comforting thought, isn’t it? Many movies or TV shows involved characters being locked up in a prison. When a prisoner misbehaves, they can be sent to ...

[Christian Concepts] Genuine Rest Keeps Your Marriage Afloat 🦋

June 27th, 2021 at 9:20 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? You can’t rest if you’re treading water. If you have become too tired in life or in your marriage, you might need to swim to shore. I like analogies. They’re fun to work with because they can teach an abstract idea th ...

[Christian Concepts] Take Advantage Of Defensiveness 🦋

June 20th, 2021 at 3:37 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? Imagine a conversation caught in an endless loop of defensiveness and blame-shifting. Person A: Why are you yelling at me? Person B: I’m not yelling. You’re just too sensitive. Person A: I’m not too sensitiv ...

[Christian Concepts] 3 Reasons Hope Is Always Attainable 🦋

June 13th, 2021 at 5:00 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? Hope might be easy to lose but it is also easy to gain. If you've ever become discouraged, I bet something negative happened that you weren't expecting. Sometimes it doesn't take much to feel crushed. Even a small amount of ...

[Christian Concepts] Emotions Are Never Sinful 🦋

June 6th, 2021 at 11:38 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? Emotions can reveal sin but they never stand alone as the source of sin. Emotions can lead someone to desire to sin but there is nothing wrong with feeling them. Emotions are messengers. You've heard the phrase, "don't sho ...

[Christian Concepts] Coping Is Temporary But Healing Is Forever 🦋

May 30th, 2021 at 4:08 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? Many people look for ways to cope with the pain they encounter. Coping is a good option in the short term but it’s a horrible option long term. Coping Doesn’t Fix The Problem Using coping skills is a good idea. ...

[Christian Concepts] The Best Way To Receive Love 🦋

May 24th, 2021 at 10:38 am EDT

How are you doing, Friend? Love is a two-way street. Both the person offering love and the person receiving love must be willing participants. What happens if you pour water into a cup with holes and take a drink? You’ll probably end up with mo ...