Subject: [Christian Concepts] Forgiveness Has a Dark Side

[Christian Concepts] Forgiveness Has a Dark Side

January 25th, 2020 at 11:40 am EDT

How are you doing, Friend? What do you need most in your life right now? Do you have a greater need to forgive or to be forgiven? I don’t mean this to be a trick question, but when I recently considered the question, it surprised me. Is my suff ...

[Christian Concepts] Where Are You God?

January 19th, 2020 at 10:47 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? Have you ever lost something important and then developed a near panic when you couldn’t find it? In the Fellowship of the Ring, Bilbo has a moment when he can’t find The Ring. He looks all over for it and works him ...

[Christian Concepts] All Things New

January 11th, 2020 at 12:23 pm EDT

Have an awesome 2020 Friend! I took a couple of weeks off from writing but I am back now. Over the next several months, I'll be releasing a series of journaling books around the topics of love, security, connection, significance, and hope. Now, onto ...