Subject: April 16 - Attentiveness: Look at people when they speak to me

April 16 - Attentiveness: Look at people when they speak to me

April 15th, 2023 at 10:00 pm CDT

2023 BIBLICAL CHARACTER CALENDARApril 16, 2023 God enables me to: Look at people when they speak to me Jesus looked with love on the rich young ruler and spoke to the deeper needs in this man's life.And when he was gone forth into the way, there came ...

April 15 - Attentiveness: Seek counsel

April 14th, 2023 at 10:00 pm CDT

2023 BIBLICAL CHARACTER CALENDARApril 15, 2023 God enables me to: Seek counsel God wants younger women to learn, from older, Godly women, how to love their husbands and children.The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, ...

April 14 - Attentiveness: Seek counsel

April 13th, 2023 at 10:00 pm CDT

2023 BIBLICAL CHARACTER CALENDARApril 14, 2023 God enables me to: Seek counsel Seeking out the counsel of others can help us avoid unnecessary pitfalls. Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.Proverb ...

April 13 - Attentiveness: Seek counsel

April 12th, 2023 at 10:00 pm CDT

2023 BIBLICAL CHARACTER CALENDARApril 13, 2023 God enables me to: Seek counsel Nicodemus came to Jesus at night in order to get answers to his questions. There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: The same came to Jesus b ...

April 12 - Attentiveness: Remember the message

April 11th, 2023 at 10:00 pm CDT

2023 BIBLICAL CHARACTER CALENDARApril 12, 2023 God enables me to: Remember the message We must humbly receive the engrafted Word of God and be doers of the Word, not hearers only. Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and ...

April 11 - Attentiveness: Remember the message

April 10th, 2023 at 10:00 pm CDT

2023 BIBLICAL CHARACTER CALENDARApril 11, 2023 God enables me to: Remember the message Meditating on God's Word day and night, in order to do all that it says to do, is the foundation of success. Now after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord ...

April 10 - Attentiveness: Remember the message

April 9th, 2023 at 10:00 pm CDT

2023 BIBLICAL CHARACTER CALENDARApril 10, 2023 God enables me to: Remember the message We demonstrate our love for Christ by learning and keeping His commandments.He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that lo ...

April 9 - Attentiveness: Value people

April 8th, 2023 at 10:00 pm CDT

2023 BIBLICAL CHARACTER CALENDARApril 9, 2023 God enables me to: Value people Many believers were skeptical of the newly converted Saul, but Barnabas sought him out as a brother. Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus, for to seek Saul: And when he had fo ...

April 8 - Attentiveness: Value people

April 7th, 2023 at 10:00 pm CDT

2023 BIBLICAL CHARACTER CALENDARApril 8, 2023 God enables me to: Value people Hearing that Mordecai was crying in the street with his clothes torn, Queen Esther sent Hatach to inquire why. When Mordecai perceived all that was done, Mordecai rent his ...

April 7 - Attentiveness: Value people

April 6th, 2023 at 10:00 pm CDT

2023 BIBLICAL CHARACTER CALENDARApril 7, 2023 God enables me to: Value people Concerned about threats of Jesus being stoned by the Jews, the disciples were reluctant to go visit Lazarus who was dying.Now a certain man was sick, named Lazarus, of Beth ...

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