Subject: September 22 - Compassion: Be an advocate for the helpless

September 22 - Compassion: Be an advocate for the helpless

September 22nd, 2022 at 3:00 am CDT

2022 BIBLICAL CHARACTER CALENDARSeptember 22, 2022 God enables me to: Be an advocate for the helpless Jesus used the Greek word "parakletos" for the Holy Spirit because He is our Advocate.Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you tha ...

September 21 - Compassion: Feel others- pain

September 20th, 2022 at 10:00 pm CDT

2022 BIBLICAL CHARACTER CALENDARSeptember 21, 2022 God enables me to: Feel others- pain Consider yourself as a cellmate of a prisoner so that you can understand his suffering.Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer ...

September 20 - Compassion: Feel others- pain

September 19th, 2022 at 10:00 pm CDT

2022 BIBLICAL CHARACTER CALENDARSeptember 20, 2022 God enables me to: Feel others- pain Imagine the pain of a man who has nothing to keep him warm because you failed to return his cloak.If thou at all take thy neighbour's raiment to pledge, thou shal ...

September 19 - Compassion: Feel others- pain

September 18th, 2022 at 10:00 pm CDT

2022 BIBLICAL CHARACTER CALENDARSeptember 19, 2022 God enables me to: Feel others- pain Jesus sympathized with the two grieving sisters as they mourned the death of their brother.Now Bethany was nigh unto Jerusalem, about fifteen furlongs off: And ma ...

September 18 - Compassion: Comfort others without prejudice

September 17th, 2022 at 10:00 pm CDT

2022 BIBLICAL CHARACTER CALENDARSeptember 18, 2022 God enables me to: Comfort others without prejudice God's family has no distinctions of race or gender, but we are all heirs of the promises together.For ye are all the children of God by faith in Ch ...

September 17 - Compassion: Comfort others without prejudice

September 16th, 2022 at 10:00 pm CDT

2022 BIBLICAL CHARACTER CALENDARSeptember 17, 2022 God enables me to: Comfort others without prejudice The advice given by a Jewish servant girl led to the healing of her Syrian master.Now Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great ...

September 16 - Compassion: Comfort others without prejudice

September 15th, 2022 at 10:00 pm CDT

2022 BIBLICAL CHARACTER CALENDARSeptember 16, 2022 God enables me to: Comfort others without prejudice It was the Samaritan, not the religious leaders, who helped the wounded traveler.And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, M ...

September 15 - Compassion: Look for lasting solutions

September 14th, 2022 at 10:00 pm CDT

2022 BIBLICAL CHARACTER CALENDARSeptember 15, 2022 God enables me to: Look for lasting solutions Conflicts can be resolved when each person fulfills his special function in the Body.For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body to ...

September 14 - Compassion: Look for lasting solutions

September 13th, 2022 at 10:00 pm CDT

2022 BIBLICAL CHARACTER CALENDARSeptember 14, 2022 God enables me to: Look for lasting solutions Gleaning for food was not a long-lasting solution, so Naomi urged Ruth to seek a kinsman-redeemer.Then Naomi her mother in law said unto her, My daughter ...

September 13 - Compassion: Look for lasting solutions

September 12th, 2022 at 10:00 pm CDT

2022 BIBLICAL CHARACTER CALENDARSeptember 13, 2022 God enables me to: Look for lasting solutions Jesus addressed the paralytic's more urgent need first.And again he entered into Capernaum after some days; and it was noised that he was in the house. A ...

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