Subject: Welcome to the New School Year!

Dear All,

Below you find the 'Events and News' information to be shared with the school community on August 1st, this email will replace the previous ‘Infomail’. If there are any changes or improvements needed, please let Caroline (c.braunshofer@ris-swiss-section) know.

Events & News August 2024

Dear School Community,

We're excited to start the new school year alongside you and your children. Let's make this year full of growth, learning, and unforgettable moments.

Overview Events & News

  • First Day of School and Opening Ceremony - 8. August

  • Edu Café Welcome New Parents - 8. August

  • Secondary Parents Evening - 13. August

  • Primary Parents Evening - 15. August

  • Students Photo Shooting - 13. & 14. August

  • Edu Café Healthy Nutrition - 22. August

  • Extracurricular Activities, start - 26. August

  • Family Networking Brunch - 25. August

  • New School Timings

  • Pausenbrotverkauf / Snack sale

  • Pick up IDs

First Day of School and Opening Ceremony

8. August, The first day of school will start at 8:00 and and ends according to the timetable. The opening ceremony is scheduled from 10:00 to 11:15 in the sports hall. We warmly welcome all parents and visitors to attend the ceremony.

EduCafe ‘Welcome New Parents’

8. August at 8:30, music room.

Representatives of the school leadership team, administration and school ambassadors invite new families to ask questions and become part of our community. If you are unavailable, we invite you to join the online session on August 8 from 11:30 to 12:30. Please contact

Secondary and Primary Parents Evening

Parents evening is a valuable opportunity for parents to connect and meet teachers. Both educational and administrative matters are covered, including the election of parent representatives.

Secondary parents evening (grade 7 to grade 12): 13. August, 18:30

Primary parents evening (Kindergarten to grade 6): 15. August, 18:30

Edu Café Healthy Nutrition

22. August at 8:15, music room.

Dr. Andy Schillinger, Director of Rehabilitation at Miskawaan Health Group will share his expertise on wellbeing focusing on healthy nutrition.

Students Photo Shooting

13. & 14. August Photo session for all students' ID cards.

Extracurricular Activities

Extended Day Program

Extended Day Program

Through our new partnership with RIS, we offer an expanded range of courses in the Extended Day Program (EDP). Classes commence the week of 26. August. Detailed information about the EDP are available from 8 August. The program is managed by Baylee McKenny Proctor ( and Stefan Nyffenegger (

Extracurricular Activities

BVB International Academy Thailand

Through our new partnership with Borussia Dortmund we bring world-class football to Bangkok. BVB International Academy Thailand will start the training in the week of

26. August.

Registration is now open.

Family Networking Brunch

Join our Family Networking Brunch on 25. August, starting 12:00 at The Westin Hotel, a fantastic buffet, featuring a wide selection of seafood, awaits you for just THB 1,669 net per person (children 10 and under eat free). For registration, please contact Chayaphon Witczak -

Pausenbrotverkauf (PBV) — Snack Sale

Every Tuesday and Thursday starting on 13. August provided by Landhaus Bakery Ari.

Every Monday and Wednesday starting on 19. August organized by our PBV team,

If you're interested in joining the PBV team, reach out to Ms. Vesna Moll (, 063-023-8712 or Ms. Porntipa Eichentopf (, 086-736-0316.

New School Timings

Please note our new school timings,


  • Arrival Time: 7:30 to 8:00, self-organized learning or reading comprehension

  • Start of Classes: 8:00

  • Break: 11:35 to 13:00, lunch, Thai lessons, language enhancement workshops and/or play time

  • Finish Time for preschool and grade 1 to grade 5: 14:35

  • Finish Times for grade 6 to grade 12: 14:35, 15:30 or 16:15 according to individual timetables

School Uniforms

Our school uniform polo shirts can be purchased from Monday to Friday 7:30 until 16:00 at the office of RIS Swiss Section.

The RIS uniform shop selling trousers, skirts and RIS shirts is open Monday to Friday 6:45 to 15:30.

Pick up Card

New pick-up cards can be requested at our office. If you already have a card, please check its validity and contact our office if it is outdated.

Annual Planning 2024/2025

Please find the current holiday calendar for 2024/25 as well all events. The school calendar is also available in agenda of Escola.

Visit our Social Media.

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