Subject: the right message to the right person

You're walking to the nearest coffee shop and a stranger stops you and says: "Hey! Would you like to marry me?"

Crazy right?

That's what most marketers do when they put Ads in front of people that don't know them trying to sell their stuff!

But there's a much better way...

Understanding who you're talking to.

If you ask your 5 year relationship partner to marry you, what are the chances of hearing a "yes"?

Pretty good, right?

That's why Russell divides 'traffic' into three segments:

  • Cold Traffic
  • Warm Traffic
  • Hot Traffic

Knowing how to send the right message to the right person can make the difference between getting a yes or a no.

If you watched the first 3 videos in the training series I've been sharing with you, this is the last step to lead you from 0 to a successful online business.

Here's the last part of the Ignite Workshop:

In case you've missed the other 3 and want to find your way to a successful online business in no time and with minimal effort, here are the links for the other videos:

  1. The Secret Formula
  2. The Attractive Character
  3. The Value Ladder
  4. Three Types of Traffic

100s of thousands of wantrepreneurs have become very successful entrepreneurs by following Russell Brunson's simple formulas...

Be one of them by following this training and taking action.

Success in inevitable!

Thanks for reading,


p.s.: I've given you access to this Workshop for FREE, but I don't know for how much longer it will be available, Russell might want me to take it down any moment. Go watch it now before it's too late!

To your Success!

Fran Callado

Founder and CEO

Your Guide to Success
Create and Earn, Calle Siempreviva, 10, 35212, Telde, Spain
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