Subject: it's not too late yet...

"Here's your webinar replay Fran" 

Was the subject of an email I received today.

I remembered I had been waiting for a webinar...

For some reason I forgot to put it in my calendar...

But everyone running webinars always sends an email reminder, so I thought I was safe...

I went into my spam folder looking for the reminder email...

And for my surprise, not only did I find that email, but a bunch of others, including of people I white-listed and put in my VIPs because I absolutely love their value-packed newsletters.

Thanks a lot gmail, I thought...

Then I started thinking and got concerned.

How can I manage to receive the emails I want to receive if my email provider keeps filtering them by itself.

I remembered everything I studied about email 'deliverability' and remembered that emails get flagged as spam when you don't opened them or interact with them.

I instantly made a mental note of always opening emails that I wish to continue receiving, even if the subject doesn't appeal to me at the time.

Then I thought... 

Wow, how about my subscribers... 

Probably a lot of them haven't even seen the FREE courses I sent them.

So if you're one of them, here's the last course I shared.

The value in this thing is incredible...

Russell Brunson shares his "Secret Formula" to success.

It's not too late, but it will be soon...

Thanks for reading,
To your Success!

Fran Callado

Founder and CEO

Your Guide to Success
Create and Earn, Calle Siempreviva, 10, 35212, Telde, Spain
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