Subject: Upcoming news and programs from Center for Creative Inquiry

Exploring Sacred Dimensions of Time & Space

We have exciting news!

Dear friends,

Today, we finalized and sent a very special publication to print: Dayspell, a book of poems by long-time TSK instructor Ken McKeon. The collection will feature poems that lightly touch on the themes of time, space and knowledge. It is beautifully illustrated by Ignacio Ercole. We hope to make the book available in July; in the meantime, you can read a poem by Ken on our website.

Our upcoming programs appear below. We have an online Introduction to Full Presence Mindfulness this month as well as an in-person Art of Seeing course. In July, I will be leading a four-week inquiry on the topic of Sacred Dimensions of Time & Space, appropriate for both beginners and long-term practitioners of TSK or FPM.

Thanks for reading and we hope to see you soon, either in-person or online!

Kind regards,

Morgan Wells

Director, Center for Creative Inquiry

Introduction to Full Presence Mindfulness (online)

Led by Ignacio Ercole

Thursday, June 29, 2023, 10am-11:30am (Pacific)

Full Presence Mindfulness (FPM) offers a unified vision of who we are and how we can bring about meaningful change. Grounded in the present moment, this unique way of practicing mindfulness opens every dimension of the field of experience—our sensations, emotions and thoughts as well our values and intentions.

In this online workshop, we will understand the unique characteristics of FPM, the difference with other types of mindfulness and how to practice it .

Exploring Sacred Dimensions of Time & Space (online)

A four-week inquiry led by Morgan Wells

Sundays, July 9-30, 9am-10:30am (Pacific)

The knowledge that seems most self-evident is this: ‘I am here’. Suppose we make this knowledge our starting point. Can we awaken curiosity about the significance of this statement?

This course accepts this invitation from Tarthang Tulku’s book, Sacred Dimensions of Time and Space. We will tap into the group’s creativity and curiosity to explore, question, and challenge the unexamined assumptions we have relied upon to structure our reality. Through this exploration, we may discover new dimensions of experience that have the potential to expand our worldview and transcend the limitations imposed by our standard way of looking at things.

The Art of Seeing

One-day workshop led by Hugh Joswick and Ignacio Ercole

Thursday, June 22, 2023, 3-6pm

2018 Allston Way, Berkeley, California

Using practices from Full Presence Mindfulness: A Pocket Companion (which we will provide to all workshop participants), we learn a relaxed way of seeing that encourages intimacy with whatever appears in the field of experience. 

After a brief orientation to Full Presence Mindfulness, students will go on a walkabout and return with photographs to share. This class is a way to play with the openness of simply seeing.

We still have spots available for our fall retreats! Sign up soon, as space is limited.

Healing Time, led by Jack Petranker

We live on the surface of time, moving from moment to moment without ever really connecting with time’s inner dynamic. Cut off from the depth of experience, we easily feel frustrated, isolated, emotional, and resentful.

It doesn’t have to be that way. We can heal our connection to time, and discover that time is the beating heart of experience. It’s like finding our way back from exile, like coming home. New ways of knowing and being become available, and we move naturally toward joy and inner peace.

Explore the Creative Inquiry Shop

The Creative Inquiry Shop offers products to support and inspire practitioners to explore their experience. The shop offers books and visual art to support engagement with Full Presence Mindfulness and the Time, Space, Knowledge vision.

Donate to Center for Creative Inquiry

Center for Creative Inquiry is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

The Center for Creative Inquiry (CCI) explores alternate forms of knowledge and inquiry and their potential to bring about fundamental change at the individual, cultural, and social level.

CCI headquarters is located at the Mangalam Center in downtown Berkeley, California, USA.

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