Subject: New Perspectives on Creative Inquiry: Reality Painting 🎨

Plus a new class and workshops in both English and Spanish

Exploring time, space, and knowledge

What's New

Reality Painting collection is being released

Pieces from the collection will be posted every 2-3 days, with the overall collection landing page published at the end. Check out the poetry category winner, "Reality Feinting," by Eli Andrew Ramer.

Announcing a new class with Hayward Fox, PhD

Hayward Fox has been a psychotherapist for fifty years and a student of Time, Space, Knowledge forty of those years. Hayward will be offering a four Saturday session for TSK students online, July 9 through July 30 at 8:00 AM PDT. More details below.

CCI is now offering online workshops in Spanish

Para aquellas personas interesadas en nuestras clases en Español les anunciamos el programa de Mindfulness en Acción que explora cómo aplicar mindfulness en la vida cotidiana más allá de la meditación sentada. También ofrecemos la clase de Respiración y Sonido donde te invitamos a explorar el poder de la escucha atenta como también la aplicación de Full Presence Mindfulness con música. Podes encontrar más información sobre estos cursos en nuestra página web.

Free online drop-in classes continue on Thursdays and Sundays
Anaïs Roman and Adrian Roman continue to lead free drop-in sessions - newcomers are welcome, come join us! We will normally have a brief welcome, a led exercise, and dialogue among the participants.

Mindfulness en Acción

Led by Ignacio Ercole
Lunes 16 de Mayo, 2:00 pm PDT
$10 USD

Nuestra serie Mindfulness en Acción explora cómo aplicar mindfulness en el día a día, ya sea mientras trabajamos, cocinamos, comemos, planificamos y nos relacionamos con los demás. Este taller esta orientado a aquellas personas que quieren sostener su meditación a lo largo del día o usar las actividades cotidianas como práctica de meditación.

Breath & Sound
Workshop led by Ignacio Ercole

Thursday, May 26, 2022 at 9:00 AM PDT

Full Presence Mindfulness (FPM) helps us to go deeper in the ocean of mindfulness. Practicing FPM allows us to experience life as an integrated whole and open a sense of feeling more fulfilled and alive. One of the approaches of FPM is through listening, a gateway to new meanings, values and understanding. 

Respiración y Sonido • Lunes 23 de Mayo, 2:00 pm PDT

Living Time Space Knowledge Vision

Class with Hayward Fox
Saturdays, July 9-30, 2022, 8:00 am PDT
Price: $120

Hayward has been a psychotherapist for fifty years and a student of Time, Space, Knowledge forty of those years. He reports that an integrative knowledge has emerged. He says, “Knowledge of time and space allows a loosening of our personal identity, along with all its habits and concerns. The stubborn tendency that is me can be opened to a larger field of knowledge with more options and freedom.” We are pleased that Hayward has agreed to offer this class unpacking the Mountain Retreat & Giant Body Exercises to reveal the wholeness of the Vision.

There's still space in our TSK retreats with Jack Petranker and our FPM retreat with Morgan Wells and Ignacio Ercole

Donate to Center for Creative Inquiry

Center for Creative Inquiry is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

The Center for Creative Inquiry (CCI) explores alternate forms of knowledge and inquiry and their potential to bring about fundamental change at the individual, cultural, and social level.

CCI headquarters is located at the Mangalam Center in downtown Berkeley, California, USA.

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