Subject: New Frontiers of Knowledge 🌅

CCI's upcoming programs have something for everyone, whether you love music, nature, or legal philosophy

Explore our diverse array of upcoming programs to deepen your understanding of mind and self!

A Bundle of Sticks

Free Talk
Presented by Morgan Wells
Thursday, May 30, 4:00 pm Pacific

Many talks and programs about mindfulness or meditation have explored how these practices can bring new insight into various aspects of our lives. This talk reverses the approach and investigates how understanding basic principles of property law can give new perspective on some of the more challenging ideas underlying TSK and Full Presence Mindfulness, including non-dualism. While our culture often emphasizes the solid “thingness” of property, learning about how the legal system views real and personal property may help loosen our commitment to subject-object duality.

Morgan Wells (she/her) is the Executive Director of Center for Creative Inquiry and a Professor of Practice at University of California College of the Law, San Francisco.


Being Fully Present
Weekend retreat led by Jack Petranker and Ignacio Ercole

June 14-16, 2024 at Ratna Ling Retreat Center

In this retreat, we explore ways to be fully present with the now. We will draw on practices that engage body, mind, and spirit. We first ground ourselves in our body, work with our breathing, explore our senses of hearing and seeing, and then identify the stories we are telling ourselves. We begin to analyze the thoughts and emotions that build up around these stories.


New weekly offering starting July!

Love of Music

A Time, Space, Knowledge Journey into Music, Mind and Being
with Ignacio Ercole

Wednesdays, 5-6pm, starting July 10

This course invites a transformative exploration of music, guiding participants on a musical journey to deeper levels of listening and understanding.

In this class, sound and listening will be the central aspect in an inquiry into reality, guided specifically by the dimensions of Time, Space and Knowledge Vision of Tarthang Tulku (TSK). TSK is a series of teachings questioning our limited understanding of these dimensions and unraveling the consequences of our lack of familiarity with them. The combination of TSK and Music can open up new frontiers of knowledge and let us enjoy the process of discovery as we learn more about who we are.

We will combine meditation, music-focused contemplative practices, and active exploration of rhythm and tone through movement. The class is open to anyone interested in exploring these topics, regardless of musical background or previous familiarity with TSK. No musical experience is needed for this class – only a curiosity about the deeper dimensions of music.

Announcing our 2024 retreat in Germany!

What does it mean to be free
Based on Love of Knowledge

Led by Jack Petranker
Co-produced by Nyingma Centrum Nederland

September 24-29, 2024 in Neu Plaue, Germany

We live our lives within limits we have learned to take for granted.

Because we put our own wants and needs at the center of experience, we live in a world where time rushes on from moment to moment, separating us from what we desire.

Because we are always reaching out for what we hope to possess, we occupy a small and close-off space. We rob ourselves of the joy of being fully present.

In this retreat, we will question the limits we impose on ourselves and the positions we impose on experience. We will learn how to connect with all that happens, and to appreciate more fully the beauty of the world we inhabit.

The Center for Creative Inquiry (CCI) explores alternate forms of knowledge and inquiry and their potential to bring about fundamental change at the individual, cultural, and social level.

CCI headquarters is located at the Mangalam Center in downtown Berkeley, California, USA.

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