Subject: Last chance to register! Learn to be fully present in daily life

Exploring simple but profound movements to apply in your work routine

Programs and creative works exploring Time, Space and Knowledge

New Class: Skillful Means in Daily Life

with Marion Frank and Phil Gold

Be fully present day and night, enhancing the quality of your life.

Feel open and curious, having body, breath and mind working together as a whole.

Share understanding and compassion in whatever situation happens, resting on internal stability that pervades time, space and knowledge with positive energy.

Notice how your soft and regular breathing touches the vital energy that flows throughout your entire being.

Exploring some of the most renowned books of Tarthang Tulku – Skillful MeansTime, Space and Knowledge, and Kum Nye Relaxation – this series of classes invites you to find and liberate what is often withheld inside. We’ll explore simple but profound improvements to apply in your work routine, as well as visions of reality that enrich every moment. These explorations will be facilitated and emphasized by physical movements and breathing exercises, expanding the consciousness of how precious human embodiment is.

Online via Zoom

Mondays, October 18 - November 29, 2021

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Pacific Time

Cost: $0 - $150 sliding scale; no one is turned away for lack of funds.

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