Subject: Join our upcoming seminar, "The Self in Question"

Plus a new open call and other news from CCI

CCI News, Dec 2021

The Self in Question

Online seminar with Jack Petranker
January 6 - 8, 2022

Perhaps the immobility of the things that surround us
is forced upon them by our conviction that they
are themselves, and not anything else,
and by the immobility of our conceptions of them.

Marcel Proust, Swann’s Way

Our world is shaped by space, time, and knowledge. Events happen in time, the reality we know appears in space, and our ability to experience is shaped by the kinds of knowledge available to us.

Usually, we think of space, time, and knowledge as factors we cannot change—larger and more powerful than we are. But when we look with care and appreciation, we realize that space, time, and knowledge are fluid and alive. The only reason they seem so limiting is that we see them through the eyes of the self—the actor we put at the center of what we do and what we encounter, the unquestionable owner of experience.

In this program, we will call the self into question. Following a path of inquiry laid down in Rinpoche’s Love of Knowledge, we will look at the stories we use to make sense of experience, the positions we adopt that close down alternatives, and the limits we impose when we claim that knowledge is what the self knows.

What's New

"Reflections of the Moon" call for submissions has closed; "Reality Painting" now open

If reality was like a painting, would you try to enter the imaginary space of the painting, or would you pull aside the canvas to catch the painter in the act of creation?

Our second theme for submissions to New Perspectives on Creative Inquiry invites you to explore space as if it were a painting. How would you respond to the question above – would you enter the imaginary world? Would you look to the artist? Are there any other options for engaging or living in this space?

The deadline to submit is January 28, 2022. Meanwhile, we will be publishing the finalists from our first theme, "Reflections of the Moon", throughout January.

New Episode of "A New Vision of Reality" featuring David Filippone

The Integral Stage has released the latest episode of its podcast, A New Vision of Reality: TSK for the 21st Century, featuring long-time TSK practitioner and CCI board member David Filippone and hosted by Bruce Alderman. Check it out on YouTube.

Inward Time

by Caroline Sherwood

moving towards the back of the body

down, in

velvety texture

whatever is defined, gathered, described – moving into that

travelling through starscape; knowledge pulsing

entering the travelling itself

entering the entering

very still; very swift

The Center for Creative Inquiry (CCI) explores alternate forms of knowledge and inquiry and their potential to bring about fundamental change at the individual, cultural, and social level.

CCI headquarters is located at the Mangalam Center in downtown Berkeley, California, USA.

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