Subject: Full Presence Mindfulness and the Art of Seeing

In-person programming is returning to Berkeley, alongside online programs

Upcoming CCI Workshops

Dear friends,

We're excited to have worked back to offering in-person workshops! In June, Jack Petranker will be hosting a one-day Full Presence Mindfulness Workshop, and Hugh Joswick and Ignacio Ercole will be offering The Art of Seeing. See details below.

Of course, we still have programs for our global online community as well! In July, I will be leading a four-week inquiry on the topic of Sacred Dimensions of Time & Space, appropriate for both beginners and long-term practitioners of TSK or FPM.

Thanks for reading and we hope to see you soon, either in-person or online!

Kind regards,

Morgan Wells

Director, Center for Creative Inquiry

Full Presence Mindfulness: An Introduction

One-day workshop led by Jack Petranker

Saturday, June 10, 2023, 10am-4pm

2018 Allston Way, Berkeley, California

Full Presence Mindfulness (FPM) is mindfulness differently. It looks at the way the mind works and how we live our lives, and asks how it could be otherwise.

So often we are lost in our thoughts, caught up in our emotions, and distracted by our concerns. The first step in changing these patterns is to ground in experience, and FPM offers simple exercises to do that. Next, we look at the stories we tell and the stories we live and the limits they set. Finally, we introduce a new way of working with time, cutting the momentum of negativity. We learn to be intimate with our own experience and open to ourselves and others. Free from what we take for granted, we can act on our own highest values.

All participants will receive a copy of Full Presence Mindfulness: A Pocket Companion.

The Art of Seeing

One-day workshop led by Hugh Joswick and Ignacio Ercole

Thursday, June 22, 2023, 3-6pm

2018 Allston Way, Berkeley, California

Full Presence Mindfulness (FPM) is mindfulness differently. It looks at the way the mind works and how we live our lives, and asks how it could be otherwise.

So often we are lost in our thoughts, caught up in our emotions, and distracted by our concerns. The first step in changing these patterns is to ground in experience, and FPM offers simple exercises to do that. Next, we look at the stories we tell and the stories we live and the limits they set. Finally, we introduce a new way of working with time, cutting the momentum of negativity. We learn to be intimate with our own experience and open to ourselves and others. Free from what we take for granted, we can act on our own highest values.

All participants will receive a copy of Full Presence Mindfulness: A Pocket Companion.

Explore the Creative Inquiry Shop

The Creative Inquiry Shop offers products to support and inspire practitioners to explore their experience. The shop offers books and visual art to support engagement with Full Presence Mindfulness and the Time, Space, Knowledge vision.

Donate to Center for Creative Inquiry

Center for Creative Inquiry is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

The Center for Creative Inquiry (CCI) explores alternate forms of knowledge and inquiry and their potential to bring about fundamental change at the individual, cultural, and social level.

CCI headquarters is located at the Mangalam Center in downtown Berkeley, California, USA.

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