Subject: Free Introductory Workshop to Full Presence Mindfulness

Discover a new gateway into TSK practice

Introduction to Full Presence Mindfulness

Free Online Workshop with Ignacio Ercole

Wednesday, July 13th at 9 am (Pacific Time)

Full Presence Mindfulness (FPM) offers a unified vision of who we are and how we can bring about meaningful change. Grounded in the present moment, this unique way of practicing mindfulness opens every dimension of the field of experience—our sensations, emotions and thoughts as well our values and intentions. In this online workshop, we will understand the unique characteristics of FPM, the difference with other types of mindfulness and how to practice it .

Ignacio Ercole (they/them) is an argentine vegan queer artist, psychologist and mindfulness trainer. They have been trained as a psychodrama facilitator and contextual and mindfulness based therapy psychologist. They teach mindfulness programs for general audiences and for educators including mindful art classes and mindful eating sessions. Currently they are the art director of the Center for Creative Inquiry, the graphic designer for Mangalam Research Center and the art creative director and co-founder of Venus in Cancer.

Last chance to register - starts on Saturday!

Living Time Space Knowledge Vision

Class with Hayward Fox
Saturdays, July 9-30, 2022, 8:00 am PDT
Price: $120

"Some say the TSK vision is too heady, too intellectual, too philosophical. I am a psychologist in the practice of psychotherapy for fifty years. Forty of those years I have been a student of TSK. It is clear that the TSK vision can be practical and useful in daily living. Please read this article and join me weekly July 9 through July 30." - Hayward Fox

Knowledge of time and space allows a loosening of our personal identity, along with all its habits and concerns. The stubborn tendency that is me can be opened to a larger field of knowledge with more options and freedom. This class will unpack the Mountain Retreat & Giant Body Exercises to reveal the wholeness of the TSK Vision.

FREE, accessible TSK and FPM workshops

We have several upcoming free programs, including workshops and drop-in classes that are suited to both beginners and advanced practitioners alike. Join us for a drop-in class or a workshop this month:

More free workshops are being added each month - stay tuned.

Saying "Yes" to Experience

Learn how to activate the radical immediacy available within our ordinary experience.

TSK Retreat with Jack Petranker
October 11-16, 2022 in Neu Plaue, Germany

We live in a world shaped by the stories we tell about it—stories centered on the self. Using a logic that starts with the existence of the self, we turn knowledge into a tool that we use to uphold our own limits.

In this retreat, we will question this commitment to the self and the therapeutic mindset it puts in place. Focusing strongly on practice, we will learn how to activate the radical immediacy available within our ordinary experience, if only we know how to look for it. We will learn what it means to say “yes” to experience, to discover freedom within the patterns of the ordinary and bring it into every moment.

Online Mini-Retreat with Jack Petranker
July 17-21, 2022 [five online sessions]
Price: $140.

All online sessions will be ninety minutes long.

The first session will be held Sunday, July 17 at 9 AM Pacific time, 12 noon East Coast time. This session will be only for online participants. The idea is to make introductions, introduce the program, and offer orientation how to participate, including introducing basic exercises.

The remaining sessions will be held Monday through Thursday at 4 PM Pacific Time, 7 PM East Coast time, and will be held jointly with Ratna Ling retreat participants.

Donate to Center for Creative Inquiry

Center for Creative Inquiry is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

The Center for Creative Inquiry (CCI) explores alternate forms of knowledge and inquiry and their potential to bring about fundamental change at the individual, cultural, and social level.

CCI headquarters is located at the Mangalam Center in downtown Berkeley, California, USA.

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