Subject: CCI Newsletter: Announcing our new guidebook 📖 for kids

Plus upcoming programs and events in August and beyond

Announcing NowHere, a contemplative guidebook for kids brought to you by CCI

Plus other news and announcements from CCI

A gentle gateway to the TSK vision for kids

Beautifully illustrated, NowHere guides children ages 10-14 to mindfully explore their experience, while honoring their own resources to question and discover knowledge. NowHere was created by AnaĂŻs Roman and Ignacio Ercole, two of our instructors at Center for Creative Inquiry.

Now featured in our Creative Inquiry Shop

The Creative Inquiry Shop offers products to support and inspire practitioners to explore their experience. The shop offers guidebooks to support engagement with Full Presence Mindfulness or TSK, as well as creative pieces designed to inspire new ideas and new questions. 


News & Programs

FPM Retreat in Israel led by Jack Petranker

Co-sponsored by Nyingma Group Israel, We are Not Who We Think We Are will take place from October 18 to 21, at Kibbutz Inbar, located in the green mountains of Galilee. In this retreat, we will start by connecting deeply with our experience: how we breathe, how we see, how we hear, how we move. The next step is to expand into the whole range of how we live in the world: the way we think, the emotions and concerns that drive us, the stories we tell, the 'reality' we inhabit, and the motives and intentions that determine our destiny. As we explore who we are and who we think we are, we will share our insights and discoveries.

The retreat will be presented in English. 

Upcoming FPM Workshop in Spanish led by Ignacio Ercole

Full Presence Mindfulness (FPM) ofrece una visión unificada de quiénes somos y cómo podemos lograr un cambio significativo en nuestras vidas. Basada en el momento presente, esta forma única de practicar mindfulness abre todas las dimensiones del campo de la experiencia: nuestras sensaciones, emociones y pensamientos, así como nuestros valores e intenciones. En este taller online comprenderemos las características únicas de FPM, la diferencia con otros tipos de mindfulness y cómo practicarlo. Fecha y hora:
**Martes 23 de Agosto 3pm Pacific Time** UTC-7

TSK Reunion Event at Dharma College and on Zoom

Dharma College invites you to get a taste of the “Time, Space and Knowledge” (TSK) vision –

Tarthang Tulku’s remarkable teachings, a unique gift to the West which he offered nearly fifty

years ago. This public event will provide the opportunity for you to hear and learn from some of Tarthang Tulku’s most senior teachers who have been studying, practicing, and living the TSK vision, as well as receive an introduction to some practice exercises that can inspire a new way of being in space and time that is fully engaged, dynamic, and creative, at the same time becoming more deeply at peace, balanced and intimate with all that arises in experience.

We will also be able to accommodate people who are living outside of the Bay Area by providing a zoom link.

Free Weekly Drop In Classes: New Name, Same Time!

We continue our free Thursday and Sunday weekly drop-in classes under the name Playful Presence: Contemplating Life through Meditative Exploration, Inquiry & Conversation. Both the Thursday and Sunday sessions will be led by CCI instructor AnaĂŻs Roman at 9 am Pacific/12 pm Eastern time. The intention is to sit with ourselves and our community to contemplate our experience through TSK and FPM practices. With these practices, we can learn to better understand the mechanism of our mind. If we begin to understand how mind operates, we can then intentionally cultivate our relationship to mind and our selves, allowing for new dimensions and understandings to arise.

The Center for Creative Inquiry (CCI) explores alternate forms of knowledge and inquiry and their potential to bring about fundamental change at the individual, cultural, and social level.

CCI headquarters is located at the Mangalam Center in downtown Berkeley, California, USA.

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