Subject: Announcing our open call for creative submissions 🎨✒️🎵

Plus our last programs of the year!

CCI News & Events, Fall 2022

Dear friends,

We are pleased to announce an open call for submissions to our website blog, New Perspectives through Creative Inquiry, which will be published as a collection early in 2023. The theme for this call is "Bubbles Appearing." Read on for more details about the theme, as well as the submission guidelines.

In other news, our weekly drop-ins on Thursdays and Sundays will end on December 18th for the year. We are so happy so many of you could join us to practice in 2022! A new schedule for weekly drop-ins will be announced in early 2023.

Ignacio Ercole will continue to offer FPM workshops in English and Spanish in December and January - check below for dates and registration instructions.

We hope to see you soon!

Kind regards,


Open Call: Bubbles Appearing

Deadline: February 28, 2023

Accepting submissions of poetry, essay, visual art, video, and more.

Water can appear as clouds or ocean, as ice or rain, or as bubbles in a mountain stream.

This collection will trace the arising of bubbles in a rushing stream of water. How do the bubbles arise? Where do they come from and where do they go?

In this inquiry, we are not focusing on the bubble itself, but rather the interplay that gives rise to its appearance. The constantly moving stream within which the bubbles form is available for inquiry, as well as the expansion and explosion of space as the bubble expands and bursts over time.

We are breaking away from our ordinary focus on the content of experience – a bubble as a concept, frozen in time and locked into space. Allow your exploration to liberate the bubble from its labeling and simply let the inquiry flow like water taking a momentary shape.

This theme is inspired by Dynamics of Time & Space by Tarthang Tulku, Chapter 28, "Silent Appearing"

View our past collections: Reflections of the Moon and Reality Painting.

Introduction to Full Presence Mindfulness

with Ignacio Ercole (they/them)

Wednesday Dec. 14 at 9 am  (Pacific Time)

Full Presence Mindfulness (FPM) offers a unified vision of who we are and how we can bring about meaningful change. Grounded in the present moment, this unique way of practicing mindfulness opens every dimension of the field of experience—our sensations, emotions and thoughts as well our values and intentions.

In this online workshop, we will understand the unique characteristics of FPM, the difference with other types of mindfulness and how to practice it.

Or register for the January 11, 2023 workshop here.

Introducción a Full Presence Mindfulness

coordina Ignacio Ercole (they/them)

Martes 13 de Diciembre, 3 pm  (Pacific Time)

Full Presence Mindfulness (FPM) ofrece una visión unificada de quiénes somos y cómo podemos lograr un cambio significativo en nuestras vidas. Basada en el momento presente, esta forma única de practicar mindfulness abre todas las dimensiones del campo de la experiencia: nuestras sensaciones, emociones y pensamientos, así como nuestros valores e intenciones.

En este taller online comprenderemos las características únicas de FPM, la diferencia con otros tipos de mindfulness y cómo practicarlo.

Martes 10 de Enero 2023: registrarse

Playful Presence

Where we contemplate life through meditative exploration, inquiry & conversation

with Anaïs Georgina Roman
Every Sunday at 9 am /Thursday at 4 pm (Pacific Time) through December 18, 2022

The intention is to sit with ourselves and our community to contemplate our experience through meditation practices. With these practices, we can learn to better understand the mechanism of our mind. If we begin to understand how mind operates, we can then intentionally cultivate our relationship to mind and our selves, allowing for new dimensions and understandings to arise.

We will normally have a brief welcome, a led exercise, and dialogue among the participants. Participants with any level of experience are welcome to join each week. As a free drop-in class, there is no requirement for participants to attend every week.

Explore the Creative Inquiry Shop

The Creative Inquiry Shop offers products to support and inspire practitioners to explore their experience. The shop offers books and visual art to support engagement with Full Presence Mindfulness and the Time, Space, Knowledge vision.

Donate to Center for Creative Inquiry

Center for Creative Inquiry is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

The Center for Creative Inquiry (CCI) explores alternate forms of knowledge and inquiry and their potential to bring about fundamental change at the individual, cultural, and social level.

CCI headquarters is located at the Mangalam Center in downtown Berkeley, California, USA.

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