Subject: link working now~Rekindling With The Wild

link working now~Rekindling With The Wild

February 1st, 2019 at 2:41 pm EDT

Torn between Kaden and Ethan, Sarah finds herself discovering secrets of St. Neuri she never thought possible. But in St. Neuri nothing is ever as it appears. Sarah is in danger. The only question is will she realize it in time? Grab my copy now! En ...

Rekindling With The Wild

February 1st, 2019 at 10:00 am EDT

Torn between Kaden and Ethan, Sarah finds herself discovering secrets of St. Neuri she never thought possible. But in St. Neuri nothing is ever as it appears. Sarah is in danger. The only question is will she realize it in time? Grab my copy now! En ...