IM is full of hype. And most products with lots of buzz never live up to the hype. But I’ve found an exception. See, most gurus forget how tough it is for newbies. They forget that newbies don’t have loads of time and money and equipment and programs and technical skills and experience. And newbies are SCARED they’ll * bite off more than they can chew * waste money they can’t afford * be humiliated when they fail. So, most gurus offer newbies expensive, complex programs they can’t handle. But my buddy John is the exception. He gets it. He understands newbie fears and frustrations. And he did something about it. He produced a super-simple system JUST FOR NEWBIES. Every newbie can follow this system… and MAKE MONEY TODAY! And it’s not risky at all… because newbies only spend like $5 a day on traffic… and can stop any time… so they can’t get in trouble. And John’s not greedy. You can get his report for sofa change: In his report, he doesn’t just outline his system. No, he also explains the most important parts of IM in a simple way that any newbie can follow. So, his report gets you started making money today… and also teaches you how to take your IM skill (and income) to the next level. I was going to tell you more about the report, but this email’s already too long (sorry about that; I got excited by the possibilities), so I’ll let John explain it here: