Subject: Retrofit Revisit, Community Energy Fortnight and more... 🌞

Retrofit revisit, Community Energy Fortnight and more...

Hi Friend,

This month Helen Grimshaw has shared her findings from Retrofit Revisit, and what revisiting a retrofit scheme 10 years on means for Carbon Co-op.

Our energy systems team have been working closely on the PowerShaper Monitor service to bring in tariff data to allow users to analyse their energy costs.

Meanwhile, Jonathan Atkinson has been taking part in Community Energy England's 'Empower Community Energy' fortnight.

Catch up on all this and more below!

Retrofit Revisit - 10 Years On

In this blog, our Research and Evaluation lead Helen Grimshaw, reflects on her involvement in Retrofit Revisit, and what the findings mean for our work at Carbon Co-op.

The opportunity to evaluate a retrofit project doesn’t come along often. You might find that surprising given the innovative nature of the work we’re involved with, but it often boils down to a lack of budget and access. But knowing what works well and what could be better, is hugely important if we are to deliver more, and better quality retrofit.

So being invited to act as an Evaluator on a large scale evaluation project, revisiting a series of deep retrofits completed around 10 years ago, we jumped at the chance!

Tariff Data on PowerShaper Monitor

We have been working hard to bring energy tariff data into PowerShaper Monitor. Users should be able to see basic tariff information applied to their energy use in the PowerShaper Monitor visualiser.

This is just the first stage of our work on tariff data, and we still have a lot to do in order to bring in time-of-use (TOU) and dynamic tariffs (such as Octopus Agile), and we hope this information will be useful for people who are looking to optimise their home energy use.

Carbon Co-op members can log in now to select "cost" from the drop down list on the visualiser and see their energy costs.

What we are reading...

Community Energy Fortnight

Community Energy England's "Community Energy Fortnight" might be over, but there are loads of fantastic resources, blogs and videos where you can catch up on the events which took place, including a short conversation with Carbon Co-op's Jonathan Atkinson.

Interview with Guy Hargreaves

This podcast speaks with Guy Hargreaves as he reflects on adapting and expanding his Victorian mid terrace home, retrofitting the whole building to EnerPHit standard.

In the community

Heat Pump Legionella Cycles

Carbon Co-op community members discuss their experiences with and thoughts about Thermal Storage (phase-change) batteries. Do you have an experience or thoughts to share, or just want to learn more?

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