Subject: Campus News Update 2.0

Campus News Update 2.0
"The Passover is coming, and the Son of Man will be delivered up to be crucified." Matthew 26:2
Upcoming Events      
  • Apr 3–8 ALERT Video Project (Chapel) 
  • Apr 14–16 Cadet Bravo Campout (Campground) 
  • Apr 24–28 Family Conference (Campus Wide) 
  • May 2–4 DPS Riot Control
  • May 23 SFG Town Hall (Dining Room) 
  • May 26 Unit 68 Advancement
  • May 29 Memorial Day (Staff Holiday) 
  • May 31 Awards and Promotions; Birthday Lunch
Good Friday Update
We will not have noon prayer time today, but we want to encourage all staff (with supervisor permission) and families to attend the Good Friday service at the ALERT Auditorium at 2 PM this afternoon.
Mayflower Chinese Church | Dr. Levendusky 
There is reason for special rejoicing and a warm welcome to the Mayflower Chinese church that will be in coming in this weekend to move on campus into Chestnut. Although a week ago last Friday we were receiving reports of possible deportation back to China, and actual placement into Thailand’s detention centers where they were separated as families, a wonderful work of God has occurred. This article from Politico describes this past week for the Mayflower church. 

A US State department worker helping the group, who is a believer, reported that there was new support for the Mayflower church to gain permission to go to America, and this new direction was most definitely the work of the Lord.

The Chinese group is traveling right now on different flights and we expect the whole group to arrive over the next few days. One woman who is expecting a baby with her husband and other children will remain behind in Thailand until the child is born.

Please take time to thank the Lord for His intervention, and the help of our Operations and Facilities staff to get things ready. We can also express our appreciation for the Freedom Seekers staff and leader, Deana Brown, along with sympathetic US State Department assistance. We look forward to welcoming the Mayflower church and Freedom Seekers to our campus this weekend.

We plan to have an orientation and official welcome gathering next week with our staff families for our Chinese guests when things have settled down.

International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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