Subject: Campus News Update

Campus News Update
Upcoming Events      
  • Aug 17–24 Ladies Journey (Journey House)
  • Aug 22 Single Staff Fellowship (Warners, 7:15 PM)
  • Aug 24 Caleb Nelson Memorial Race (6:00 AM) 
  • Aug 29 Staff Lunch/Awards & Promos
  • Sep 12 Staff Lunch
  • Sep 12 Unit 71 In-Processing 
  • Sep 16 Unit 71 R-Night 
  • Sep 17 Private Classroom Event (Classroom 126, 6:00 PM) 
  • Oct 2 Staff Lunch/Family Camp Meeting
  • Oct 5–12 Family Camp
Urgent Water Conservation Notice from Facilities
We are having unusually high water usage on the campus right now and we are steadily losing ground on the potable water supply in the storage tanks. At this point we must all go back to a mindset of conserving water so that our wells can keep up with the water demands on the campus without having to use Pritchett water which is very expensive. One of the ways that we need to conserve water is by refraining from watering the lawns. Repairing the faculty row irrigation is something facilities is wanting to do as soon as possible, but in the meantime, please help us conserve water and ministry resources in any way that you can. Another way that you can help, is by noticing anything unusual, such as green grass in unusual places which might indicate a leak. This conservation effort needs to go into effect immediately. Your help in this effort is greatly appreciated.
Caleb Nelson Memorial Race
The Battalion will enjoy competing in the Caleb Nelson Memorial Race this Saturday, August 24. The race is scheduled to begin at 6:00 AM. Staff men are welcome to compete in the race and all are invited to support the race and cheer on the participants. Race sign-in for competitors is from 5:30-5:50, and the pre-race briefing will begin at 5:50. Hope you can join us!
Auto Shop FYI
Steve Kientz is out of town this week; if anyone has transportation or auto shop needs, please contact Randy Switzer. 
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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