Subject: Campus News 9-19-22

Monday, September 19, 2022
"O LORD, you will ordain peace for us, for You have indeed done for us all our works." Isaiah 26:12
Upcoming Events      
  • Sep 26–Oct 1 Cadet LTC Camp (Chestnut) 
  • Oct 8–14 Family Camp
  • Oct 19 Birthday Lunch
  • Oct 26 Staff Dorm Cleaning
  • Oct 28–29 Multi Family Sale
  • Nov 2 Birthday Lunch
  • Nov 3–5 Cadet Father/Son Camping Trip
  • Nov 4–5 Winchell Church Camping Trip 
  • Nov 10 SFG Luncheon 
  • Nov 11 Unit 67 Advancement
  • Nov 13 Winkler Wedding Reception (Chapel) 
  • Nov 15 Veterans Banquet 
  • Nov 16 Awards and Promotions 
  • Nov 18 Unit 66 Graduation
Allison Meal Train
Bob Allison had shoulder surgery this past Wednesday. Please keep them in prayer as he begins the long road of recovery! If you'd like to contribute in a practical way, please see meal train hereWe are so grateful for their investment in each one of our lives!
Equipment Sale
The linked items are for sale; if you are interested in purchasing a piece of equipment, please submit a sealed bid to Captain Overby. Bids will be evaluated Monday, Sept. 26. If no acceptable bids were received, the equipment will be sold online. If you have any questions, please contact Steve Kientz at 903-576-8667.
Family Camp Volunteers
Please make sure that all volunteers, even for one day, are scheduled through Operations. This will help us make sure all volunteers get meals and lodging they need and that we are able to properly recognize them for their kind service. 
Multi Family Sale
The next Multi Family Sale is scheduled for October 28–29. Please contact the Weisses for more details. 
Basic Training Update | Maj. Boulden
One week down and 8 to go! Thank you to everyone who supported us this past Monday—we appreciate you! The men have adjusted well to life in Basic Training and will advance in their ropework and land navigation skills this week. Please be in specific prayer for the men as they are challenged with the 3-Hour Hike this Friday. Also, please continue to acknowledge the road barriers to Basic Training for your safety and the safety of the recruits in training. Thank you again for all your prayers and support during this adventure.
Battalion Update | Capt. Vanderford
Last week, Tech Rescue enjoyed the opportunity to do some training at the water tower in Big Sandy, which brought a new environment and a more significant vertical dimension for their scenarios. They are on deployment to St. Louis County this week to continue assisting Samaritan’s Purse with the flood relief that 2nd Phase was part of a few weeks ago. Missions will train on campus this week, assist local Law Enforcement with a search on Thursday, and then leave for a 2-week combined deployment and missions training trip returning just after Family Camp begins. The Battalion has settled into the routine of the quarter, and it’s easy to become apathetic at this stage. Please pray for the correct perspective and motivation to pursue growth.
Leadership Corner | Maj. Boulden
We've launched into our final semester of 2022. While we're sure to encounter plenty of challenges, let's remember that our most significant issue has already been solved—we have been made holy in Christ Jesus and have a deep relationship with our Heavenly Father.

"Distance and separation were marks of the old covenant. It was as if the Lord in those early ages was teaching man that sin was so utterly loathsome to Him that He must treat men as lepers put outside the camp. When the Gospel came, we were placed on quite another footing. The word 'Go' was replaced with 'Come'; distance was replaced with nearness, and we who previously were far away were brought near by the blood of Jesus Christ." - Charles Surgeon.

Keep forging on—only the Gospel transforms a man!

Staff Fellowship Meal Details [complimentary meals of the year and monthly fellowship meal details]

LunchSalad, Beef Enchiladas, Mexican Rice, Charro Beans
DinnerFruit, Oatmeal Cookie Pancakes, Baked Eggs, Sausage Links, Cereal

LunchSalad, Sausage Pasta, Roasted Zucchini, Rolls, Watermelon
DinnerSalad, Swedish Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes, Carrots

LunchSalad, Sandwiches, Corn Chowder, S’mores Cookies
DinnerSalad, Beef and Rice Casserole, French Bread

LunchSalad, Spicy Chicken and Avocado Wraps, Roasted Potatoes
DinnerSalad, Buffalo Chicken Thighs, Broccoli, Creamy Cornbread

Lunch: Salad, Nachos
DinnerSalad, Pizza, Sweet Tea

BrunchFruit Salad, Breakfast Sandwiches, Breakfast Cookies
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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