Subject: Campus News 9-11-17

Monday, September 11, 2017
"I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean... I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you..."
Ezekiel 36:25–29 ESV
Current Events 
  • September 15–17—Boy Scouts Campout (Campground) 
  • September 19–23—ALERT Cadet LTC Camp
  • September 23–24—Texas State Guard Training Weekend
  • Sept. 23–Oct. 1—Guys Journey to the Heart (Golf Course House)
  • September 25–29—Family Week
  • Sept. 29–Oct. 1—BSA Leadership Campout (Campground)
Active Runway
With Flight Camp training in high gear, please use caution around the airstrip and check for activity before crossing—even if the gates are not down. The runway will be extremely active for the next 6 weeks. 
New Gate Code
Staff: 9547
Staff GUEST: 8374 (please give this code to friends coming on campus to visit you)

Both of these new codes are currently active and open the main campus and Faculty Row gates. Gate Code 2274 will be removed one week from now. 
Sewing Room
The Sewing Room will be occupied for the next several weeks with the sewing needs of Basic Training. If you're able to postpone your own sewing requests until after Friday, September 22, that would be most helpful.
Family Camp Assignment Preferences
We're so glad we can serve together on this campus with you to share Christ's love with those around us. We will have a limited crew this year, but we appreciate all you will do (and have already done!) to jump in and make Family Camp an event that blesses the families from our own community and those who come from across the nation. 

If you would like a voice in your Family Camp Assignment :), please have your Family Camp Assignment Preferences entered by tomorrow, Tuesday, September 12. Thanks again for all you will do during Family Camp—it takes teamwork, and we're glad you're a part of this team.
Convention Center
As we continue Family Camp preparations, please remove all personal items from the Convention Center by Thursday, September 14.
Basic Training Update | Capt. Boulden
Unit 58 is off and running! All 43 men arrived safely on campus Friday and training began that evening. Thank you to everyone who helped make R-night possible and for those of you who came out to support these men as they begin their journey to become ALERT Responders. This first week the men will be the in Catalyst training, Monday–Wednesday; the rest of the week they will continue to move in and learn the rules and regulations. 

Please be in prayer that the Cadre and Leadership would have wisdom as they counsel the men under their care. Pray that the men in training would have open hearts and minds to what the Lord desires to do during this time. We also appreciate your prayers for physical safety as we jump to the activities and events in the coming days and weeks.
MENU (Subject to change)

Lunch: Salad, Smoked Turkey Wraps (Wheat Wraps, Turkey, Cheddar, Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato, Ranch Dressing), Sweet Potato Fries
Dinner: Salad, Shepherd’s Pie, Biscuits

LunchCole Slaw, BBQ Chicken Stromboli, Peaches
Dinner: Salad, Mexican Casserole, Rice and Beans, Tortilla Chips and Salsa

LunchSalad, Chunky Chicken Soup, Homemade Bread/Butter, Stuffed Eggs
DinnerSalad, Lasagna, Green Beans, Garlic Bread

LunchBLT Pasta Salad, Baked Chicken Thighs, Roasted Vegetables, Rolls
DinnerSalad, Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Corn, Lemon Pie

LunchSalad, Salsa Chicken, Homemade Tortillas
Dinner: Salad, Pizza, Sweet Tea

Brunch: Fruit Salad, Breakfast Grilled Cheese, Hashbrown Casserole, 
Cereal/Milk, Juice/Coffee
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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