Subject: Campus News 8-24-20

Monday, August 24, 2020
"Whoever restrains his words has knowledge..." Proverbs 17:27
Current Events   
  • Aug 31–Sept. 5—Northwoods Family Conference
  • Sept 17—Awards and Promotions
  • Sept 19—Hulin/Poteet Wedding (Field House Gym) 
  • Sept 19—Sea Cadets Team Building (Low Ropes/Obstacle Course)
  • Sept 25—Unit 63 Arrives
  • Sept 25–27—CAP Campout
  • Sept 28—Unit 63 R-Day
Library open Tuesday, 11:30 AM–2:00 PM
Welcome Bedford Family
We welcomed Jeff and Sarah Bedford and their six children (Mary, Charity, Anna, David, Jeffrey, and Elijah) to Big Sandy from Oak Brook this past weekend. Jeff, Sarah, and their family worked for the ministry for ten years at the Oklahoma City Training Center, and for the past year in Illinois. Jeff will be handling the publications department which has now moved down from Oak Brook into the former South Gym now renamed the Publications Building. The Bedford family will be moving into the former Switzer home on Laurel Lane.
Welcome Baby Kaiser!
Quentin Charles Kaiser was born Friday, August 21 at 5:06 PM weighing 8 lbs 13 oz and measuring 22.5 inches long. Both Quentin and Raaven are doing well! 
Haley Family
Please be in prayer for the Chuck and Cindy Haley Family. We have determined that it would be best for them to move on to another ministry and home. Their family will be departing from the Northwoods Conference Center this week and will take some time to seek where the Lord will have them serve next. Please look for ways to help the Haley family whenever they return to campus and need help in packing or moving their things. We count it a privilege to know and work with the Haley family these past several months and to pray for their next steps.
ALERT COVID Protocols | Col. Behr
Linked are protocols put in place for our IAA staff and battalion in training. Please read them carefully. The protocols are necessary to help us do whatever is reasonable to protect the men in training and thus assist us in mitigating the transmission of the virus. We fully understand no guidelines or policies can fully address the concerns and result in 100% protection but anything we can do as an overall organization on this campus in the areas of distancing and guarding unnecessary contact are not for loss.

We certainly continue to face challenges ahead as we make preparations for Basic in the fall. We covet your prayers and support that God would continue to put a hedge of protection around our training.

Thank you in advance for your full support. We regularly monitor the COVID-19 situation and if changes can be safely made we will keep you informed. These protocols are in place until further notice.

Colonel Marv Behr

Leadership Corner | Maj. Boulden
The work we do here can be rewarding but it also can be very draining. As we move forward from one semester to the next don't forget to take care of your greatest asset to the ministry—you!

1: Don’t sacrifice sleep for work. Rest is the primary driver of mental and physical energy. The more tired you are, the less productive you are.

2: Fuel your body with whole foods. If you’ve formed a habit of skipping meals, reframe your thinking, and put wholesome foods within reach. Chronic meal skippers can fill a drawer with healthy staples like popcorn, nuts, and beef jerky. This quick-fix will keep your energy levels steady on busy days.

3: Conserve mental energy by making fewer decisions. Save energy by choosing to not have a preference for everything. The farther you move up the food chain, the more responsible you become for big, thorny, complex decisions. The best use of your mental energy is on major issues. The rest can be decided down the ladder. Highly successful people protect their brain power by reducing decisions.

Battalion Update | Capt. Vanderford
Tech Rescue just returned from the Northwoods and did a great job serving in many different capacities there. For this second week of dive training, 2nd phase is working toward their Search and Rescue Diver certification with Capt Gast. At the end of this week, CST will be travelling back to Michigan to help with the Northwoods Conference.

Lunch: Salad, Baked Potato Bar, Creamy Chicken, Cheese, Bacon, Green Onions, Sour Cream, Rolls
Dinner: Salad, 4 Cheese Chicken Pasta, Green Beans, Garlic Knots

Lunch: Salad, Beef Quesadillas, Pico de Gallo, Tortilla Chips
DinnerSalad, Teriyaki Chicken, Fried Rice, Broccoli, Pot Stickers, Mae Ploy Sauce
LunchSalad, Chicken Parmesan Sandwiches, Lasagna Soup
DinnerSalad, Beef Stroganoff, Peas, Rolls

LunchCaesar Salad, Marinated Grilled Chicken, Garlic Bread, Strawberry Lemon Cake
DinnerSalad, BBQ Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes, Biscuits

LunchChicken Tostada Salad
DinnerSalad, Pizza, Sweet Tea

Brunch: Fruit Salad, Western Omelet Bake, Cream of Wheat/Brown Sugar/Butter, Cinnamon Monkey Bread, Cereal/Milk, Coffee/Juice
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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