Subject: Campus News 8-10-20

Monday, August 10, 2020
"If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied." 1 Cor. 15:19
Current Events   
  • Aug 12–15—COMMIT Mother/Daughter Retreat (Faculty Dining)
  • Aug 31–Sept. 5—Northwoods Family Conference
Noon Prayer
Seeing we have been able to have successful student programs this summer, our staff will resume our noon prayer times in Faculty Dining. Please note that with the COMMIT Retreat, prayer times will be moved to the Dining Room this Thursday and Friday. 
Welcome Rosalie!
Chris and Catherine are excited to announce the arrival of Rosalie Mae Overby on August 3, weighing 7 lbs, 11 oz and measuring 19 1/2 inches long. If you would like to provide a meal for the Overby's during this time, you can do so here.
COMMIT Mother/Daughter Retreat
All staff ladies are invited to join the COMMIT mother/daughter retreat at no charge this Wednesday. Step away from the busyness of life to refocus on Christ. Meals are available at the regular staff rate. Please contact Bethany Vanderford to register.
Campus Fellowship
Campus Fellowship will be meeting Sundays at 10 AM in the Dining Room until further notice. We'd love to have you join us. Please arrive early.
Leadership Corner | Maj. Boulden
With our Quest program coming to a close and the Big Sandy Conference over the moment is ripe for feedback. If we want to get better at anything, we need to reality test how we are doing now. Feedback is a powerful accelerator for growth.

1. Be proactive in asking for feedback, and if you’re a leader, insist on it.

2. Prime the feedback pump with disclosure. (Acknowledging areas you want to grow and asking for help.) 

3. Beware of feedback triggers that could limit your ability to engage: truth, relationship, and identity. 
(The truth trigger is based on our perception of the validity of the content itself. To overcome the truth trigger, start by asking, “What if this is true?” The relationship trigger is connected to the source of the feedback. To overcome the relationship trigger, ask, “Who could help me reality test this feedback?” The identity trigger is related to the target of the feedback — me. To overcome the identity trigger, affirm, “I am not my ideas or performance, this feedback isn’t a rejection of me.”) 

4. Categorize feedback so you can analyze it: appreciation, coaching, and evaluation. Appreciation is a way of saying, “I see you. You are valued.” Coaching says, “I want to help you grow.” Evaluation says, “Here’s how you are doing.”

5. Turn feedback into feedforward actions.

Battalion Update | Capt. Vanderford
Lt. Hawley is at the Northwoods Conference Center this week with ERT doing a service project. The rest of battalion is continuing in class and other responsibilities as normal. Next week, the Tech Rescue unit and two of the CST guys will be also heading to Northwoods to do some further work up there and ERT will begin their dive training. Please continue to pray for soft hearts for each of us, and for the leadership to be godly examples and point the men to Christ.

Lunch: Salad, Broccoli Cheese Soup, Homemade Pretzels, Grilled Chicken
Dinner: Salad, Lemon Pepper Tilapia/Tartar Sauce, Roasted Vegetables, Hush Puppies

Lunch: Salad, White Chicken Lasagna, Green Beans, Garlic Bread
DinnerSalad, BBQ Mini Meatloaves, Corn, Rolls
LunchSalad, Toasted Italian Sandwiches, Spinach Dip/Chips, Gator Bowl Salad
DinnerSalad, Chicken Enchiladas, Black Beans, Tomato Avocado Salad

LunchSalad, Hamburgers, Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato, Fried Eggs, Grilled Pineapple, Bacon, Jalapeños, Mayo, Mustard, Campfire Sauce, Ranch, Fries, Cherry Pie
DinnerSalad, Creamy Herbed Chicken, Rice, Roasted Broccoli, 
Sally Lunn Muffins, Butter, Jelly

LunchFruit, Sandwiches, Chicken Gnocchi Soup, Chips
DinnerSalad, Pizza, Sweet Tea/Lemonade, Lemon Bars

Brunch: Fruit Salad, Spinach/Sausage Quiche, Scones, Cereal/Milk, Coffee/Juice
Dinner: Salad, Roasted Chicken, Sweet Potatoes, Challah Bread, Texas Sheet Cake
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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