Subject: Campus News 7-7-20

Tuesday, July 7, 2020
"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face to shine upon us." Psalm 67:1
Current Events   
  • July 4–12—Guys Journey to the Heart (see below)
  • July 11—Boulden Wedding Reception (RSVP)
  • July 11—Quest starts
  • July 12—Battalion Welcome (see below)
  • July 12–Aug 1—Sound Foundations
  • July 18—Blood Drive (Teakwood Room) 
  • July 27–Aug 1—July Family Conference (register children below)
  • Aug 1–8—Instrumental Workshop
  • Aug 1–8—Ladies Journey to the Heart (see below)
  • Aug 7—Quest Completion Dinner
Current COVID–19 Protocols
Per the email from Dr. Levendusky on Friday (full letter linked below), we will be returning to some protocols we previously had implemented. 
  • No noon-time staff or prayer meetings. 
  • If you can work from home, you are welcome to do so. 
  • Staff are asked to take their own temperatures at home before coming to work each day and to keep a written record (please see attachment).
  • Staff are asked to wear masks in the workplace whenever we cannot remain socially distant from one another.
These guidelines are intended to slow the spread of the virus and serve as another step in showing that we are doing all we can to comply with COVID-19 workplace safety practices and interacting with the public being served by our ministries.

Health Record Sheet (July 2, 2020) 
Battalion Welcome Back Fellowship
The battalion leadership will be hosting a meet and greet time to welcome the battalion back to campus. Please join us in the Dining Room from 6–7 PM on Sunday, July 12. Masks are required if social distancing cannot be maintained.
Welcome Baby Grace!
The Patricks and baby Grace are doing well and enjoying their time together. If you would like to provide a meal for them as they settle in during this time, you can do so here.

Conference Registration
All of our staff families are invited to attend the upcoming Family Conference at no charge. If your children would like to participate in the children's programs, please register them here, by Monday, July 13.
Boulden Wedding Reception
Jesse and Katy Boulden were married in a small ceremony Sunday, June 21. Everyone is invited to their wedding reception this Saturday, July 11 at the ALERT Academy Chapel, 1–5 PM (come and go). The couple is registered at Target, Amazon, and Bed, Bath, & Beyond. Please RSVP.

Please be mindful of social distancing at this come and go event. Please wear masks if social distancing cannot be maintained. 
Blood Drive
Mark your calendars for a blood drive on campus, Saturday, July 18. Watch for further details in the next several weeks. If you have questions, please contact Capt. Vanderford at
Battalion Update | Capt. Vanderford
After what for most of us was a short summer break, the Battalion leadership is returning throughout this week in preparation for the third quarter beginning on Saturday. The units in training will be 2nd Phase, Tech Rescue, and CST. Please be in prayer for 1) wisdom in how to deal appropriately and respond to the COVID-19 situation in our state, 2) the right focus and priorities for us leadership as we prepare, and 3) soft hearts in the guys.

Lunch: Salad, Baked Potatoes, Beef, Cheese, Sour Cream, Bacon, Salsa, Rolls, Butter
DinnerSalad, Parmesan Chicken, Pasta, Green Beans, Breadsticks

Lunch: Olive Garden Salad, Stromboli, Tomato Basil Soup
DinnerSalad, Grilled Chicken, Rice Pilaf, Bacon and Broccoli

Lunch: Salad, Sandwiches, Chips & Dip, Cinnamon Applesauce
DinnerSalad, BBQ Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes, County Clerk Corn, Rolls

Breakfast: Whole Fruit, Breakfast Casserole, Smoothies, Waffles, Cereal/Milk/Yogurt, Juice/Coffee
LunchSalad, Teriyaki Chicken, Rice, Vegetable Stir Fry, Egg Rolls
DinnerSalad, Chili Dogs, Mac and Cheese

Lunch: Taco Salad, Salsa, Sour Cream, Guacamole, Frozen Mangos
DinnerSalad, Pizza, Fruit Pizza

BrunchFruit Salad, Breakfast Quesadillas, Churro French Toast, Cereal/Yogurt, Milk/Juice/Coffee
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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