Subject: Campus News 6-5-23

Monday, June 5, 2023
"When he earth totters, and all its inhabitants, it is I who keep steady its pillars." Psalm 75:3
Upcoming Events      
  • Jun 3–20 Kitchen Closed
  • Jun 10 Switzer 50th Anniversary Party (Formal Dining, 2-5 PM) 
  • Jun 12–17 NW Conference
  • Jun 21 Kitchen Reopens
Welcome Baby Cahill!
Benj and Marina were excited to welcome Felicity Nicole Cahill on Sunday, June 4 at 1:00 PM. She weighed 9 lbs and measured 19 inches long. If you'd like to provide a meal for them during this time, you can do that here
Dive Pressure Gauges 
The ALERT Dive department is selling a few old, but working submersible pressure gauges. Please contact Matthew Moody ( if you are interested. They are $50 each.
Patrick Meal Train
Cliff and Christen Patrick welcomed baby Caleb to their family this past Saturday! If you'd like to support them during this time by providing a meal, you can do that here!
Turnbull Meal Train
Liesy Turnbull is traveling to Germany to be with her mother as she continues her battle with cancer. If you're interested in helping support their family by providing a meal while Liesy is away, you can do that here.
Switzer Anniversary Celebration
Everyone is welcome to join us as we celebrate Capt. and Mrs. Switzer's 50th Wedding Anniversary Saturday, June 10, in the Formal Dining Room from 2 to 5 PM, come and go!
Mayflower Group Update
This week the Mayflower group is starting English lessons and continuing with their gardening projects. In addition, five of their young people have gone to a youth camp in Missouri this week.

We had some special guests visiting the Mayflower group over the weekend. One of the guests has impacted the lives of many Chinese Christians. Through her past witness and dedication, she helped introduce Wang Yi to Christ, a notable underground church pastor currently serving a nine-year prison sentence in Mainland China. Please remember him in your prayers. 

International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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