Subject: Campus News 6-3-24

Monday, June 3, 2024
"O LORD: let Thy lovingkindness and Thy truth continually preserve me." Psalm 40:11
Upcoming Events      
  • Jun 1–8 Ladies JTTH (Journey House, Texas House)
  • Jun 3 Open House for Great Grandma Sophie
  • Jun 4 Surprise Party for Mr. Thomas! (Formal Dining)
  • Jun 1–15 Falkenstine Campout (BT Barracks, BT Training Areas)
  • Jun 8 Shoemaker/Kientz Wedding (Gym, Formal Dining)
  • Jun 9 Kientz/Hendrich Wedding (Chapel) 
  • Jun 14 Prayer and Fasting
  • Jun 24 Quest Leadership Arrives
  • Jun 25 Kitchen Reopens
  • Jul 1–8 Men's JTTH (Journey House)
  • Jul 4 Staff Holiday/Cookout
  • Jul 8–26 Sound Foundations (Auditorium/Classroom Bldg)
  • Jul 8–Aug 2 Quest
With warmer days ahead, linked is the Campus Lakefront Schedule.

ALERT Store Closed
The store will be closed from today until June 24. Mr. Allison will be available to help out with department/staff needs.
Open House for Great Grandma Sophie
The Fredrickson's are hosting an open house 90th birthday party for Great Grandma Sophie (Fredrickson) tonight at the Fredrickson’s home from 6:30–8:00 PM. Everyone is welcome to join us for yard games and fellowship! 
Surprise Birthday Party
The Thomas Family would like to invite you to a surprise drop-in 70th birthday celebration for Mr. Danny Thomas tomorrow, Tuesday, June 4, in the Formal Dining Room. If you're able to join us a little before 7 PM to say "surprise!" that would be great, but if not, you're welcome to drop by between 7–9 PM when it's convenient for you. Hope you can join us for refreshments and fellowship! (The gift of your company is the only gift needed.) 
Prayer and Fasting–Friday, June 14
Next Friday, June 14 is a day for our staff and families to set aside for a special time of prayer. We have much to be thankful for in this first six months, but much to seek the Lord about in the final half of 2024.
Battalion Update | Capt. Vanderford
Thank you to everyone who worked to support Graduation last week. From the sewing room to Facilities to Operations to each one who supported graduation by attending, I know a lot went into the event, and I want to say “thank you.” I also know that you all have put much effort into supporting battalion training in other ways over the past five months, and I’m very grateful for that as well. In addition to your regular job duties, many of you supported in various ways such as praying for the men and the leadership and acting for scenarios. Over the next 3 weeks, Sgt. LaBarca and I will be preparing for the arrival of the leadership team and the beginning of next quarter.
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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