Subject: Campus News 6-17-24

Monday, June 17, 2024
"The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" Psalm 27:1
Upcoming Events      
  • Jun 20 Single Staff Fellowship (Warners, 7:15-8:30 PM)  
  • Jun 24 Quest Leadership Arrives
  • Jun 25 Kitchen Reopens (RSVP Below) 
  • Jul 1–8 Men's JTTH (Journey House)
  • Jul 3 Change of Command Ceremony (Dining Room, 12:30 PM) 
  • Jul 4 Staff Holiday/Cookout (RSVP Below)
  • Jul 8–27 Sound Foundations (Auditorium/Classroom Bldg)
  • Jul 8–Aug 2 Quest
Change of Command Ceremony 
ALERT will have a change of command ceremony to recognize the transition of the position of Sergeant Major from Sergeant Major Whitaker to Sergeant LaBarca. This ceremony will take place on Wednesday, July 3 at 12:30 just before lunch. All staff are invited to join us to recognize this significant occasion. The meal will not be complimentary, but this may be a great chance to use your monthly fellowship meal. Please be sure to RSVP below if you plan to stay for lunch.
ALERT Store Closed
The store will be closed from today until June 24. Mr. Allison will be available to help out with department/staff needs.
Kitchen Reopening
Tuesday–Friday lunches will be served next week, along with Saturday brunch. Please RSVP through the link below! 
Campus Safety Notice
In light of recent sightings of various types of wildlife on the campus, this is an opportune time to be reminded of the inherent dangers that are present on the campus. Although the campus is a beautiful area, we can be lulled into a false sense of security and it is good to be reminded of the dangers that exist. If you are alone in the woods, you should always take precautions to protect yourself from unexpected confrontations. Each of us should always be aware of our surroundings, and have some idea of what course of action to take if wildlife is encountered. Although these types of encounters are rare, and possibly you may never encounter something that could threaten your safety, you should be aware that the possibility exists on the campus. Dangerous situations from animals that you might encounter are wild hogs, coyotes and wild dogs, alligators, wildcats, cougars, poisonous snakes, even rabid animals like raccoons, skunks, or dogs. Whitetail deer could even pose a danger during certain times of year. Human trespassers are also a concern to be aware of and should be reported to Facilities and Operations. You are not responsible for demanding that they leave the property. Your safety comes first.

Here are some thoughts to help you plan for these unexpected encounters. There are many other possible plans to give you some security but these are just a few ideas. Having a good walking stick, or mace, or a firearm (if properly trained and permitted on campus to use one) could all be deterrents to a confrontation. Even better would be to avoid being alone but have a friend along. Having a plan like climbing a tree or distancing yourself from the possible threat is also helpful.

Hopefully this information can help each of us to continue to safely enjoy the resources of the campus. The purpose of this information is not to generate fear, but with knowledge comes wisdom and knowing what you could encounter will possibly help you be better prepared to make a wise decision when the time comes.

International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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