Subject: Campus News 6-12-23

Monday, June 12, 2023
"But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you... with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15
Upcoming Events      
Cahill Meal Train
Benj and Marina welcomed Felicity Nicole Cahill on June 4. If you'd like to provide a meal for them during this time, you can do that here
Welcome Baby Kaiden
Daniel and Kathryn welcomed Kaiden Jireh Staddon on Saturday, June 10. He weighs 9lb 10oz and measures 22 inches long. If you'd like to support the Staddon's with a meal during this time, you can do that here!
Scuba Day/Refresher
If you are a certified scuba diver and are interested in spending a day scuba diving, please text Matthew Moody (513-808-2758) ASAP with your interest. 

Details: Friday, June 16 and/or Wednesday, June 21, meet at the Classroom Building at 8 AM for gear prep and a quick refresher, and then head to the SCUBA ranch. If you have all your own dive equipment (regulator, BCD, and fins) cost is $50/day. If you need dive equipment, cost is $75/day. Price includes the park entrance fee and air. (Please give cash/check to Matthew Moody.) You will need to provide your own lunch and transportation, or carpool with others. Bring your open water certification and fill out this waiver.  
Dive Pressure Gauges 
The ALERT Dive department is selling a few old, but working submersible pressure gauges. Please contact Matthew Moody ( if you are interested. They are $50 each.
Mayflower Minutes
The Mayflower group has been introduced to the lake, including a swimming assessment of their skills and swimming lessons for the non-swimmers.

The Mayflower gardens are taking shape! With some plants growing in the greenhouses and more than 1.5 acres being cultivated, they are growing Chinese vegetables, melons, tomatoes, and other assorted vegetables. Last week, a gift of hundreds of sweet potato slips were received and planted as well. 

Brad and Mila, the last remaining family of the Mayflower Group, welcomed their third child in Thailand and are now safely settled on campus. Last week, Brad and his two boys and other Chinese fathers and sons, joined the local ALERT Cadet Unit in weeding and improving the mulch around our fruit trees in the orchard.

International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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