Subject: Campus News 5-9-22

Monday, May 9, 2022
"Whoever abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing." John 15:5
Upcoming Events     
  • May 11 Staff Dorm Cleaning (8:30 AM, Dogwood)
  • May 17 SFG Town Hall
  • May 18 Birthday Lunch 
  • May 24 Scenario Day 
  • May 27 Unit 66 Advancement
  • Jun 1 Awards and Promotions
  • Jun 3 Unit 65 Graduation
Staff Dorm Cleaning
We will be hosting another dorm cleaning Wednesday, May 11 at 8:30 AM. Dr. Levendusky would like to encourage all staff and any families to participate as we prepare for Advancement. We will be meeting in front of Dogwood. Muffins and coffee provided! Please contact Michele Weiss to sign up for your favorite cleaning responsibility. Thanks for your help and support!
Scenario Day
We're looking forward to Scenario Day, May 24 at 7 pm to May 25 at 7pm! If you're interested in being a victim/bystander, please contact Michael Luke at 614-706-6646.
Music Courses
Summer music courses are just around the corner! Staff/staff families can receive an additional 20% off. Pricing and registration can be found here; use coupon code STAFF20OFF for your 20% discount! Course auditing options are also available for a reduced rate. If you are interested in observing day classes, or have any other questions, contact Anna at
Battalion Update 
This week will be the battalion’s last “normal” one for this quarter. The Missions class will make a trip to Poland a week from today for 12 days. They will be assisting a non-profit that is working with Ukrainian refugees. They are scheduled to return Saturday the 28th, a week before the end of the quarter. That last week of the quarter will be full of activities preparing for graduation. EMT students have their last module test today, and this week will have two clinical days and will spend a bunch of time being tested on their skills. The flight students continue to work diligently toward their check-rides. Please pray for preparations for the mission trip and for significant spiritual growth during the final four weeks of the quarter.
Basic Training Update 
Thank you for praying for Unit 66 on their Endurance Hike. The men did exceptionally well, and the weather was much better than expected. We completed the 54 miles well under the 24-hour mark. This coming week of training is known as Navigational-Medical Week or Nav-Med week. Over the week, the men will be sent out on different scenarios to be tested on all of the skills they have learned throughout their time in Basic. Continue to pray that the men would stay safe throughout the week and that they would continue to hone their skills.
Leadership Corner | Maj. Boulden
With four weeks left in the semester, it can be easy to hunker down and just get to the end, forgetting that the work we do here is multi-faceted. Every part of what we do plays into the next. Here are three reminders as we strategize and plan for the end of the semester.

1. Contact. Keep frequent contact with your team. They are going to do the best with what you give them. If you don’t spend time with them, it is inevitable that they’re going to make decisions you’re uncomfortable with.

2. Communication. Your people need to understand the vision, mission, and desired outcomes. You need to verbalize your expectations. Over and over again.

3. ConnectionFor true alignment to take place, your people have to know and trust your heart. You can buy their presence by employing them—but you can’t buy their heart. You must earn it. You can only create a connection when you open your heart and let them in. - Michael Hyatt

Staff Fellowship Meal Details [complimentary meals of the year and monthly fellowship meal details]

LunchSalad, Individual Pizzas
DinnerSalad, Seasoned Beef and Beans, Mexican Cornbread

LunchSalad, BLT Sandwiches, Oven Fries
DinnerSalad, Chicken Tetrazzini, Green Beans, Rolls

LunchSalad, White Bean Chili, Chicken Strip Wraps
DinnerSalad, Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Normandy Vegetables, Buttery Sourdough Biscuits

LunchTaco Salad Bar, Cilantro Lime Rice, Black Beans, Jell-O
DinnerSalad, Baked Chicken Thighs, Roasted Vegetables, Whole Wheat Muffins

Lunch: Salad, Jambalaya, French Bread
DinnerCaesar Salad, Pizza, Lemonade

BrunchFruit Salad, Breakfast Burritos, Oatmeal Muffins, Yogurt
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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