Subject: Campus News 5-4-20

Monday, May 4, 2020
"The LORD has done great things for us, and we are glad." Psalm 126:3
Current Events   
  • May 5—Library Reopens (see below)
  • May 6—EMT Scenarios 
  • May 7—National Day of Prayer (Ministry Wide Prayer and Fasting)
  • May 10—Singspiration (Gym) 
  • May 20—Wednesday Staff Lunches Resume (Birthday Lunch) 
  • May 29—Unit 62 Graduation
Online Family Conference
Thank you for praying for the online conference. It was well received and it is encouraging to hear so many grateful responses and hear how God has used the conference in the lives of the families. 

"Oh my goodness!! All the effort everyone is putting forth to bring us Conference this year is a HUGE hit!! I couldn’t be more grateful for the encouragement, wisdom, and insight... what an AMAZING BLESSING in this time of uncertainly and challenge!! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!" — TE, Oklahoma
Auto Shop Notice
Mr. Kientz will be out of the office this week. Please contact Capt. Switzer with Transportation needs.
Singspiration this Sunday
There will be a singspiration this Sunday, May 10, at 6:30 PM in the Gym. We'd love to have you join us for this encouraging evening of hymns and special music. If you have a selection you'd like to share, please contact Phillip Vanderford.
Library Open
We are happy to announce that the library will be re-opening this week, Tuesday and Thursday, 1 pm – 6 pm. The library is open to the Battalion, all staff and volunteers, ages 12 and up. All users will be asked to fill out a one-time contact information form and to signify agreement to all library policies.

There are thousands of books on many topics including Bible reference, history, geography, music, fine arts, literature, science, home economics, technology, and biography. There are also hundreds of VHS videos on a wide variety of topics. Two books/videos may be checked out at a time. No food or drink in the library, please. Library restrooms are also out of order.

If you're interested, we have a quantity of good, older, used dictionaries that are not part of the library’s collection and that are available for anyone to take and keep. Please ask at the desk.

We are also looking for additional volunteer help in staffing the library. Please reply to this email if you are interested.

EMT Scenarios
We are looking forward to our scenario day on May 6. Due to the viral outbreak, we will be taking additional safety precautions. Our students will be wearing N95 masks, glasses, and gloves on every scenario while the victims will be asked to wear masks and glasses. We would ask that if any volunteers do not feel well the day of the event, please contact us and do not participate. We would also encourage all participants to wash their hands before and after their scenario and avoid touching their face as much as possible. We will be developing the schedule today and tomorrow, so if you're interested in participating, please include what times work for you. We believe if we take these precautions we can provide a high level of safety along with excellent experience and training. Thank you for your interest!

Lt. Kaiser:
Spc. Luke:
Current Big Sandy COVID-19 Protocols

Staff Update on COVID-19 Protocol
The stay-at-home order for Texas by Governor Abbott expired April 30 and most businesses have been given the liberty to reopen with certain limitations and safeguards in place.

IBLP and IAA staff who have been working from home may come back to their offices on campus as of Monday, May 4 and continue to practice appropriate social distancing measures. For the time being, staff may also continue to work from home if they prefer and if their department director approves.

Daily Prayer Meetings
The daily prayer time for staff will resume at noon Monday, May 4.

National Day of Prayer
Thursday, May 7 is the National Day of Prayer and we will be observing it on campus as a day of prayer and fasting for the month of May.

Wednesday, May 20 All Staff Meeting and Meal
Regular Wednesday All Staff Meetings and Meals will resume on Wednesday, May 20 and will be a birthday lunch.

Battalion Update
Missions, CST and Cadre had a good week on deployment in Mississippi. Many families were devastated by the tornadoes a couple weeks ago. Please pray for the recovery of people in that area and for God to use this to advance His kingdom. EMT is looking forward to scenario day on Wednesday. Captain Gast is also here this week to instruct the aquatics unit.
Leadership Corner | Maj. Boulden
In these uncertain times, it's easy to slide into a habit of grumbling. Grumbling fixates on something bad (focus), believes that this bad thing is the most important thing about life (emotional impact), and then talks about the bad thing frequently (interpersonal effect). 

An alternate to grumbling is encouragement. Encouragement focuses on good things within the hard, believes that the good things God has done and is doing are most important, and talks about good things frequently. 

Let's look for active ways to have an "encouragement mindset" this week.

LunchSalad, White Chicken Enchiladas, Mexican Rice, Chips and Salsa
DinnerSalad, Loaded Potato and Beef Casserole, Green Beans, Corn Muffins

LunchSalad, Monte Cristo Sandwiches, Raspberry Sauce, Curly Fries, Ice Cream Sandwiches
DinnerSalad, Parmesan Chicken, Roasted Broccoli, Soft Breadsticks

LunchBerry Mandarin Salad, Croissant Sandwiches (Turkey, Cheese, Avocado, Bacon, HB Eggs, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Mayo, Mustard), Chips, French Onion Dip
DinnerSalad, Alfredo Pasta, Italian Chicken, Zucchini, Rolls

Hot Breakfast: Fruit, Breakfast Tacos (Eggs, Chorizo, Cheese, Salsa, Sour Cream), Cream Cheese Muffins, Yogurt, Cereal, Milk/Juice/Coffee
Lunch: Salad, Fried Chicken, Country Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Biscuits
DinnerSalad, Fiesta Burger Casserole, Tater Tots

Lunch: Salad, BBQ Meatballs, Carrots, Creamy Mac and Cheese
DinnerSalad, Pizza, Lemonade, Cherry Crisp, Whipped Cream

Brunch: Fruit Salad, Fried Eggs, Kielbasa and Potatoes, Grits, Homemade Pop Tarts, Yogurt, Cereal, Milk/Juice/Coffee
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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