Subject: Campus News 5-22-17

Monday, May 22, 2017
"Deal courageously, and may the LORD be with the upright!”
2 Chronicles 19:11
Current Events
  • Monday, May 22—Staff Cookout (Dining Room) 
  • Friday, May 26— Unit 57 Advancement
  • Monday, May 29—Memorial Day Staff Holiday
  • Saturday, May 27—STEP Starts
  • Friday, June 2—Unit 55 and 56 Graduation
Staff and Battalion Cookout
Due to the rain, the staff and battalion cookout has been moved to the Dining Room, this evening, Monday, May 22 at 5:30 pm. The kitchen will provide hamburgers and staff will bring sides and a dessert. If you are able to attend, please RSVP on the weekly form and don't forget to bring some board games! This will also double as a Memorial Day get together. 
Staff Meetings this Week
There will be no morning meeting this week. Noon prayer times will continue Monday–Wednesday in the Faculty Dining Room. Thursday's prayer time will be in the Dining Room, and no noon prayer time on Friday due to Advancement. 
Thank you! 
Thank you to everyone who came out to Staff Cleaning Day! We really appreciate your help and willingness to jump in wherever there is a need. "[In Christ] the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love." Eph. 4:16 
Meal Billing/Event Meals
Please note that we are still finalizing the summaries/billing for the week of the Big Sandy conference. You should be receiving the summaries/billing for the second half of April early this week, followed by summaries for the first half of May. Note that the meals for employees during the Family Conference week were partially paid by IBLP, so you will see these reflected as $2 (plus tax) for adults. Dr. Levendusky would also like to welcome all of our staff to attend the Advancement and Graduation Banquets at the reduced meal rate of $2.00/adult and $1.50/child, graciously covering the remaining meal cost as encouragement for our staff to mingle and interact with our guests.

Please note that special staff pricing for friends and/or off-campus family members does not apply during an event. Please register your friends and family online or call ext. 2101. 

Updated Advancement Event Summary
See attached.  
Advancement Banquet Setup 
If you are available to help set up for the Advancement Banquet, we will begin set up after brunch on Friday, May 26. Many hands make light work—thanks for your willingness to serve!
Big Sandy's Code Red
If you would like to sign up to stay informed of Big Sandy's Public Announcements in the case of an emergency, please visit or call 866-939-0911. 
Staff Dive Class 
Dates: June 15–17, 2017—one evening class, and two all day trips to Athens Scuba Park and The Blue Lagoon
Cost: $275
Age: 12 years old or older
Medical Restrictions: Must fill out a medical questionnaire. (Certain medical conditions must have a medical exam and waiver by a medical doctor.) 

Space is limited, and will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. Please note that there is also a 16 hour e-course that must be completed prior to the dive class (this realistically takes about 6-10 hrs). If you have further questions or would like to sign up, please contact Lt. LaLone.
Battalion Update | SMaj. Hawley
As this last week drew to a close it has been great having all the Battalion trickle back in. The MRT and CST men returned from their deployment and the men in the Diving program safely returned from their time of training in Florida.

For any of you who may have been watching us run by and wondered what Battalion was up to on Saturday, we were happily tromping around campus in the midst of the Buddy Competition. This is an event that puts a few of the skills learned during Basic Training and ERT into practice as the two-man teams try to rack up points in each event to see what team, at the end of the day, will come out as the victors. Throughout the day, the scores stayed very close with several teams trading off the lead and keeping the competitiveness in the competition, but in the end one team managed to pull ahead and win the competition: Tanner Frederick and Sebastian Miggiani.

As we look at these last two weeks of the semester, there is as always, a lot to do and accomplish between now and then—so please remember us and pray as we have classes, tests to finish, and deployments to go on. Also, remember to pray for the men in Tech as they will spend several days next week in Arkansas to finish up their high angle training in a unique, exciting, and the very real environment of the mountains.

As we consider the end of semester and how we'll all move in various directions, the Battalion has talked what will be remembered of us. It is not so much what we did or what rank we held, but in who we were as men:
“One of the outstanding ironies of history is the utter disregard of ranks and titles in the final judgment men pass on each other, the final estimate of men shows that history cares not an iota for the rank or title a man has born, or the office he has held, but only the quality of his deeds and the character of his mind and heart.” Samuel Brengle
Basic Training Update | Capt. Boulden
Five days and counting! This last week of Basic Training the men will be mostly preparing for the Promotion Ceremony on Friday. They will have their Unit pictures taken on Tuesday and participate in the Officers Reception on Thursday.

Thank you all for your prayers and support over the last few months. They have been very much appreciated. Please continue to pray for the men that they would finish well. Pray that their families have safe travels, and that the men would not forget or put aside what God has done in their lives over the course of Basic Training.
MENU (Subject to change)

Lunch: Cole Slaw, Baked Potatoes, Cheese, Butter, Sour Cream, Green Onions, Sweet Home Alabama Sandwiches
Dinner: Staff Cookout at the Dining Room: Hamburgers, Lettuce, Cheese, Tomatoes, Onions, Pickles, Lemonade

LunchSalad, Creamy Lemon Garlic- Chicken and Pasta, Broccoli, Rolls, Pound Cake with Berries and Whipped Cream
Dinner: Tomato Avocado Corn Salad, Beef Enchiladas, Rice and Beans

LunchSalad, Homemade Bread, Shredded Ranch Chicken, Pimiento Cheese, Hot Spinach Dip, Chips
Dinner: Salad, Jambalaya, Black-Eyed Peas, French Bread

LunchTaco Salad, Lettuce, Beans, Rice, Corn, Tomatoes, Onions, Jalapenos, Tortilla Chips, Cheese, Salsa, Sour Cream
Dinner: Salad, Chicken Pot Pies, Applesauce

BrunchFruit, Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Scones with Whipped Cream, Yogurt, Granola/Cereal, Milk/Juice/Coffee
Advancement Banquet:  Garden Salad, Ranch Chicken, Rosemary Potatoes, Vegetable Medley, Rolls/Butter, Sweet Tea, 5 Layer Pudding 

Brunch: Fruit Salad, Quiches, Sausage Links, Oatmeal, Cereal/Granola, Milk/Juice/Coffee
Dinner: Leftovers
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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