Subject: Campus News 4-30-19

Tuesday, April 30, 2019
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us." Hebrews 12:1
Current Events   
  • April 29–May 4—ATI Family Conference 
  • May 16—SFG Town Hall
  • May 18–26—Ladies Journey to the Heart
  • May 24—Unit 61 Advancement
  • May 31—Unit 60 Graduation
Family Conference | Important Links
Below are active links to the most recent versions of the conference documents: 

Also, unlimited House Coffee and water are available to our staff and speakers at any time during the conference.
Staff Party
Staff and Battalion are welcome to join us for ice cream and Gary Cooper's Sergeant York this Saturday, May 4 at 6:30 PM in the Auditorium. There will also be a hymn sing in the Dining Room, Saturday, May 4 at 7:00 PM for any remaining guests; anyone is welcome. Thanks for your hard work this week!
Gym Closed
The gym will be closed for volleyball this Friday night. 
Ladies Journey to the Heart
The Journey to the Heart office would like to invite any staff young ladies to attend the upcoming Journey at no cost. If you would like to participate, please contact Gabe Cleator at ext. 2152 or email
Welcome Joanna & Ruth!
Adam, Valerie, Abigail and Timothy Waller welcomed Joanna Michele (5lbs 7oz, 18.75" long) and Ruth Susanna (6lbs, 6oz & 19.75" long) on Saturday, April 27 at 7:30. The family has made it home and is doing well! If you would like to provide an evening meal for the Wallers, you're welcome to see availability and additional details here.
Battalion Update | Maj. Boulden
This week the Battalion will be engaged in assisting Cadets and Operations during the Family Conference. Basic Training is doing their Navigational and Medical Scenario testing week. They will be putting into practice all of the training they have received so far with multiple daytime and night time practical scenarios.
Leadership Corner | Maj. Boulden
After attending the Secret Church with the Battalion, the vital importance of prayer was once again impressed upon me. As leaders especially, we must be ready and willing to "out-pace" those who follow and look up to our prayer lives.

In Matthew’s gospel, Jesus give six reasons for praying: Praising and Worshiping God (Matthew 6:9), Requesting for God’s Kingdom on Earth (Matthew 6:10), Trusting in God’s Provisions (Matthew 6:11), Believing in God’s Forgiveness (Matthew 6:12), Confidence in God’s Protection (Matthew 6:13), and Depending on God’s Power and Glory (Matthew 6:14). 

“The battle of prayer is against two things in the earthlies: wandering thoughts, and lack of intimacy with God’s character as revealed in His word. Neither can be cured at once, but they can be cured by discipline.” -Oswald Chambers


Breakfast: Fruit, Cranberry Greek Yogurt Coffeecake, Hot Hard Boiled Eggs, Yogurt, Cereal, Milk/Juice/Coffee
Lunch: Salad, Ranch Chicken Sub Sandwiches, Zippy Corn Chowder, Caramel Apple Pretzel Salad, Bottled Water,
Whole Fruit
Dinner: Salad, Swedish Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes, Brown Gravy, Glazed Carrots, Rolls, Butter, Honey, Carrot Cake

Breakfast: Fruit, Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Muffins, Hot Hard Boiled Eggs, Yogurt, Cereal, Milk/Juice/Coffee
Lunch: Salad, Chicken Sandwiches, Lettuce/Tomato, Sliced Cheese, Mayo/Mustard, Chips, Chocolate Chip Cookies,
Bottled Water, Whole Fruit
Dinner: Salad, Supreme Burritos, Beans, Beef, Rice, Cheese, Salsa, Sour Cream, Tortilla Chips, Guacamole, Banana

Breakfast: Fruit, Pumpkin Muffins, Hot Hard Boiled Eggs, Yogurt, Cereal, Milk/Juice/Coffee
Lunch: Salad, Chicken Wraps, Cheese, Lettuce/Tomatoes, Ranch/Chipotle Ranch, Sun Chips, Bottled Water, Whole
Fruit, M&M Cookie Bars
Dinner: Salad, Dreamy Fettuccini, Green Beans, Garlic Bread, Italian Crème Cake

Breakfast: Fruit, Quick Coffee Cake, Hot Hard Boiled Eggs, Yogurt, Cereal, Milk/Juice/Coffee
Lunch: Salad, Hamburgers, Cheese, Lettuce/Tomatoes, Onions/Pickles, Mayo/Mustard/Ketchup, Chips, Cranberry
White Chocolate Cookies, Bottled Water, Whole Fruit
Dinner: Salad, Rice, Creamy Chicken Casserole, Normandy Vegetable Blend, Applesauce, Rolls, Butter, Honey

Breakfast: Fruit, Banana Muffins, Hot Hard Boiled Eggs, Yogurt, Cereal, Milk/Juice/Coffee
Lunch: Salad, BBQ Chicken Sandwiches on Sweet Potato Biscuits, Pickles, Onions, Provolone, Kettle Cooked Chips,
Snickerdoodles, Bottled Water, Whole Fruit
Dinner: Salad, Pizza, Fudge Brownies

Breakfast: Fruit Salad, Cinnamon Rolls, Scrambled Eggs, Hashbrown Casserole, Sausage, Yogurt, Cereal,
Lunch: Salad, Beef Hot Dogs, Relish, Mustard, Cheese, Chili, Potato Salad, Baked Bean, Chips, Cookies
Dinner: Salad, Vegetable Beef Soup, Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, Sweet Tea

Dinner: Leftovers 
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