Subject: Campus News 4-23-18

Monday, April 23, 2018
[Christ] Who gave himself for our sins to deliver us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father." Gal. 1:4 ESV
Current Events   
  • April 23–28—Family Conference
  • May 3—SFG Town Hall (Dining Room)
  • May 9—Staff Cleaning Day (Dogwood, 8:30 AM) 
Current Event Summary and Staff Assignments
Please use the following links to preview the latest versions of the Event Summary, Staff Assignments, and Staff Assignments_By Name. As needed, these links will be updated with highlighted changes. 
Safety Notice
Please watch your speed while traveling across the campus and use Mini Heartbreak when possible. 
Discounted Meals
Reduced Staff Meals ($2/adult, $1/Child) began Saturday, April 21 and continue through Saturday, April 28. Please note Saturday, April 28 will continue with breakfast (8:00–9:00 AM), lunch (12:15–1:00 PM) and dinner (4:30–5:00 PM) to accommodate the Home School Workshop.
Staff Party! 
We are so grateful for all your diligent teamwork this week. Join us this Saturday, April 28 at 6:30 PM in the Auditorium for popcorn, ice cream, and a movie. We will be showing Pixar's UP: Determined to save his home and keep the promise he made to his wife, widower Carl Fredricksen embarks on a journey to Paradise Falls, discovering the preciousness of the life and friendship along the way.
Week of Prayer and Fasting
Dr. Levendusky would like to call for all of our staff and supporters to participate in a focused time of prayer May 1–7. Staff and families are invited to fast as they are able and as the LORD leads. Below are the suggested prayer themes for each day of the week of Prayer and Fasting—

May 1: Reconciled to the Lord.
May 2: Reconciled with family members.
May 3 (National Day of Prayer): Our nation reconciled with the Lord.
May 4: Reconciled with other believers.
May 5: Reconciled with other nationalities and people groups.
May 6: Reconciliation within our own church family.
May 7: Reconciliation with enemies or offended people around us.
Basic Training Update | Capt. Boulden
Week Five is upon us and with it the halfway mark for Unit 59! Thank you for all the prayers and support. Last week went very well with great weather for the 12 Hour Hike and the whole Unit completing it successfully. This coming week is what we call "Survival Week." The Unit will be camping on the north side of the lake starting Monday morning and will be out in the field until Friday afternoon. During this time the men will be in classes ranging from Fire Building, Shelter Building, Water Purification, and Wilderness First Aid, among other things. Please be in prayer for the men that they would stay healthy during this week in the field. Pray that this training would help bring the proper perspective into the men's lives, that they would be attentive to the class instruction, and that they will leave this week further forged for the Kingdom!
Conference Meal Schedule 
Conference Menu Linked Here.

7:30–9:00 AM Breakfast
12:15–1:00 PM Lunch
5:15–6:00 PM Dinner

SATURDAY, April 28
8:00 AM Breakfast
12:15 PM Lunch
5:00 PM Dinner
6:30 PM Staff Appreciation Party (Auditorium) 
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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