Subject: Campus News 3-8-21

Monday, March 8, 2021
"For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.” Romans 8:6
Current Events   
  • Mar 10 March Birthday Lunch
  • Mar 12–14 Cadet Father/Son Campout (Campground, Pine Lodge)
  • Mar 12–14 Battalion ARC (see Battalion Update)
  • Mar 13 Snake Walk (8 PM, Tower)
  • Mar 17 Prayer and Fasting
  • Mar 18 Staff Lunch/Awards and Promotions
  • Mar 25 Unit 64 Begins 
  • Mar 28 Singspiration (6:00 PM, Auditorium) 
  • Mar 28–31 SOWERs Reunion (Chapel, Campground)
  • Apr 7–10 NCFCA
ALERT COVID Policies | Update
We are grateful that the battalion has not had any serious illness in over a month and that Texas Governor Abbott has announced that the mask mandate and occupancy limits will end on Wednesday, March 10. ALERT has removed many of the restrictions, but has kept some reasonable limits in place for the benefit of all

  1. While the men themselves may sit as a group without concerns about distancing, families must maintain extra distance (see point 2). This includes children.

  2. The men will be allowed to sit at the same tables as staff; however, staff and students may not sit directly next to or directly across from those in the other group. Imagine a checkerboard pattern or zigzag. I know this is not the best for good conversation, but please bear with us through this time.

  3. Whether you agree with the position ALERT has chosen in this challenging time, please choose to be supportive (we’re not asking you to be in agreement, but we ARE asking you to be supportive) of the rules ALERT has put in place.

  4. If anyone in your home has been sick WITH ANY KIND OF ILLNESS within the last 24 hours, please do not have any close contact with the men. (We would like this always to be the case as sickness tends to spread very quickly in the battalion and slows down training for the men)

  5. Any staff wishing to host men for any activities or events must read, initial, and return this form before they are allowed to host men. This is an updated form, so if you wish to host men, please initial and return this version to Phillip even if you already turned in the previous version. 
Advanced Responder Challenge
The battalion will enjoy the ARC (Advanced Responder Challenge) Friday evening through Sunday of this week. This is a traditional annual event which will consist of several speaking sessions, as well as some competitive activities including sports and the “Snake Walk”. Our speaker this year is a pastor from Georgia who is a former marine named Ken Bevell. Fathers and older teenage sons from staff are welcome to join for the sessions on Friday evening, and Saturday after brunch and after supper, Ken will also be the speaker at Campus Fellowship on Sunday morning. If you would like to participate, please contact Phillip or Colonel Behr after Monday for more information.
Leadership Corner | Maj. Boulden
In the midst of my reading last week I ran across this quote from Marcus Aurelius. It is simple enough and yet thought-provoking. "The only thing that isn’t worthless: to live this life out truthfully and rightly, and be patient with those who don’t.” It has been difficult to figure out what "living truthfully and rightly" these last few weeks and months, and even more difficult to be patient with those who we think "don't." Let's forge ahead this week seeking to live right and truthful lives and learn to be patient with those who in our minds might "just not get it."
Battalion Update | Capt. Vanderford
This week is the second to last of the winter quarter! My, how time has flown! Classes for 2nd Phase are High Angle and Diving. Leadership & Communications is finishing up the last of their classwork, and next week some will be heading to Cadre training and some out on deployment. The Snake Walk (the Apex of the ACR) will be taking place Saturday evening around 8PM, and all are welcome to watch the start and finish as well as the elements in the area around the tower. Please contact Phillip for more details.

Salad, Chicken Stir Fry, Rice, Rolls, Mae Ploy Sauce
Dinner: Caesar Salad, Million Dollar Spaghetti, Garlic Bread

Lunch: Salad, Potato Soup, Sandwiches
Dinner: Salad, BBQ Chicken, Bacon Ranch Green Beans, Biscuits

Birthday Lunch: Salad, Taco Soup, Cheese Quesadillas, Apple Crisp
Dinner: Salad, Green Pepper Casserole, Rolls

Breakfast: Fruit, Breakfast Casserole, Pancakes, Yogurt
Lunch: Salad, Meatball Hoagies, Potato Chips and Dip
Dinner: Salad, King Ranch Chicken Casserole, Spanish Rice, Refried Beans

Lunch: Salad, Chicken Sandwiches, Chick-fil-A Sauce, Waffle Fries
Dinner: Caesar Salad, Pizza, Lemonade

Brunch: Fruit Salad, Scrambled Eggs, Tater Tots, Bacon, Raspberry Cream Cheese Muffins
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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