Subject: Campus News 3-26-18

Monday, March 26, 2018
Blessed be the Lord, who has not left you this day without a redeemer...” Ruth 4:14
Current Events   
  • March 25–28—SOWERs Reunion (Chapel) 
  • Monday, March 26—Staff Meal with SOWERs/Catalyst (12:30 PM)
  • Monday, March 26—Unit 59 R-Night
  • Monday March 26—Barry Ward Concert (Chapel, 7:00 PM)
  • Thursday, March 29—Staff Meeting/Lunch (Dining Room, 11:45 AM)
  • March 30—Good Friday (Staff Holiday)
  • March 30—Good Friday Service (Behr's Home, 4–5 PM)
Noon Prayer Time—New Temporary Location
Monday and Tuesday's Noon Prayer times will be held in the Dining Room while the Faculty Dining Room is set up for the SOWER's Banquet.
Monday Lunch Meal
Staff and families are encouraged to attend lunch at 12:30 PM with the SOWER's and Catalyst groups today, Monday, March 26, at no charge.
Staff Meeting Moved to Thursday
Next week’s regularly scheduled Wednesday All-Staff meeting and meal is being moved to Thursday, March 29. The starting time will remain 11:45 AM.
Store Hours and Coffee Shop
The Store/Coffee Shop will be closed today, Monday, March 26, for outfitting Unit 59. Also, if anyone is interested in volunteering in the Coffee Shop, please contact Mr. Allison. They would like to open the Coffee Shop three times a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 12:45—2:00 PM.
Good Friday Service
For those who are interested, Campus Fellowship will be having a Good Friday Service, March 30, from 4–5 PM at the Behr's Home. Everyone is welcome. For setup purposes, please let Col. Behr know if you plan to attend. 
Easter Sunday for the Battalion | Col. Behr
We are looking for families who would be willing to host the battalion for a meal this Easter Sunday. Meal time could be flexible. If you are interested please respond directly to me with how many men you could entertain. Battalion is relatively small so you do not need to host many. Please let me know as soon as possible so we can make plans for the men.
Church Security Training
Strategos International is coming to provide Church Security and Active Shooter Training for our community, April 13–14. We will be hosting this event on campus. Please help us spread the word in your local churches. Campus staff are invited to attend at no cost. If you are interested in participating or would like more information, please contact Operations. 
Basic Training Update
Unit 59 is off and running! After spending the last two and half days in Catalyst training, the 28 men of Unit 59 will begin the process of being inducted into Basic Training by visiting the Finance Dept., Registrar, Sewing Room, and Quartermaster from 11 AM–4 PM today. Once they have completed these areas of in-processing, they will be introduced to their Cadre and split into squads at 6:30 PM in the Fieldhouse Gym. Please feel free to join us for the brief Battalion Face Off as these men start their journey to become ALERT Men. Please be in prayer for all the men involved in this process, that God's will would be done, and that His name would be glorified.

Fruit Bowl, Burritos Supreme (Tortillas, Refried Beans, Beef, Shredded Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cheese, Salsa, Sour Cream, Avocados), Tortilla Chips
Dinner: Cucumber Salad, Baked Chicken, Roasted Potatoes, Corn

Cole Slaw, BBQ Chicken, Potato Salad, Rolls, Cookies
Dinner: Berry Mandarin Salad, Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes, Brown Gravy, Green Beans, Rolls, Carrot Cake

Salad, Mexican Casserole, Black Beans, Honey Lime Fruit Salad
Dinner: Salad, Hamburgers, Lettuce, Tomato, Pickles, Fried Eggs, Mayo, Mustard, BBQ, Fries

Staff Lunch: 
Salad, Jambalaya, Corn Muffins, Jello/Whipped Topping
Dinner: Salad, Chicken Strip Wraps (Tortillas, Chicken, Lettuce, Tomato, Cheese, Ranch), Chips


Salad, Cheeseburger Soup, Biscuits
Dinner: Salad, Pizza, Lemonade

Brunch: Breakfast Sandwiches (Bagels, Eggs, Cheese, Bacon), Blueberry Crisp, Yogurt, Cereal/Milk, Juice/Coffee
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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