Subject: Campus News 3-25-19

Monday, March 25, 2019
“Who has performed this and carried it out, calling forth the generations from the beginning? I, the LORD—the first and the last—I am He." Isaiah 41:4
Current Events   
  • March 23–31—Men's Journey (Journey House)
  • March 24–27—SOWERs Reunion (Campground/Chapel)
  • March 25—Unit 61 R-Night (6:30 PM, Gym)
  • March 26—Valerie Waller Baby Shower 
  • March 30—Cathie's Courage Marathon
  • April 3–6—NCFCA Tournament (Classroom Bldg, Chapel, Gym)
  • April 6—Hymn Sing (Levendusky's)
  • April 10—April Birthday Lunch
Noon Prayer Location—Tuesday
Staff Prayer Time will be moved to the Dining Room this Tuesday, March, 26. 
SOWERs Roundup & Lunch
Lew Sterrett will be the guest speaker for this year's SOWERs Round Up and everyone is invited to participate as they are able! (See attached schedule.)

The SOWERS will be joining us in the Dining Room for lunch on Tuesday, March 26. Staff are invited to attend this meal at no cost to welcome our guests. 
No Indoor Volleyball this Friday
In preparation for the NCFCA and the installation of the gym's new sound system, the Field House Gym will be closed for indoor volleyball during the next 2 weeks. Sand courts will be open and available for use!
Baby Shower for Valerie Waller
Ladies and children are invited to join Valerie Waller as she prepares to welcome her twins at a Baby Shower hosted by Priscilla Waller on Tuesday, March 26 at 6 PM (4414 Scrub Pine Road). You're welcome to bring a snack to share. Valerie is registered at Other creative gifts include a coupon for free babysitting, house cleaning, or meal redeemable at a mutually agreed upon time.
NCFCA Tournament Judge Opportunity 
The NCFCA is looking for community judges who would be willing to volunteer for a few hours during the tournament, April 3–6. You may judge as little as one round on the day of your choice or several rounds over multiple days. Judging each round is only a three-hour commitment, which includes a judge orientation and refreshments to express their gratitude. No experience in either speech or debate is necessary. For more information, please visit their community judge registration form.
Subscribe to ALERT's YouTube Channel
We have created a new Brand for our YouTube account, and we'd like to have a custom URL (i.e., but to create one, we need to have at least 100 subscribers. Right now, since it's a new account, we have about 25. If you use YouTube, we would love it if you were able to help us by subscribing to our ALERT YouTube Channel. You'll also get to view all of our latest videos, including the guest speakers from the 25 Year Reunion.
Saturday Night Hymn Sing
The Levenduskys would like to invite each of you to their home for a hymn sing on Saturday, April 6, at 6:30 p.m. Singing will last for about an hour with a brief time of fellowship afterward. Everyone is invited!
Battalion Update | Maj. Boulden
The men in Tech Rescue have been familiarizing themselves with rope rescue gear and terminology and will be working on their High Angle Rescue Technician Certification training over next few weeks. Our men in Dive have been getting comfortable in the water this past week with basic swimming and diving. They will be moving into Nitrox, Drysuit, and full face mask classes in the weeks ahead. MRT will be returning from Panama City after a full week of deployment. They will be resting, cleaning up, and preparing for their next service project.  

Unit 61 has officially started today! R-Night will be at 6:30 p.m. in the Field House where the men will meet their Cadre and be divided into their squads. Please come out and support these men as they start this adventure called Basic Training. 

Leadership Corner | Maj. Boulden
Life is multifaceted: It is physical, vocational, avocational, emotional, financial, spiritual, parental, marital, social, and intellectual. When we neglect one facet of life for the sake of another we can feel like we're fighting to stay alive. Which facet of life are you letting slip? Take the Life Score Assessment Test and take time for the things in life that really matter this week. Leaders make life happen. They don't let life "happen" to them.

LunchCole Slaw, BBQ Chicken, Potato Salad, Fresh Rolls, Chocolate Chip Cookies
Dinner: Breakfast for Dinner! Fruit, French Toast Sticks, Beef Smokies, Quiche, Cereal, Milk, Juice, Coffee

SOWER LunchSalad, Homemade Bread, Turkey, Cheese, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Pickles, Onion, Mayo, Mustard, Potato Chips, French Onion Dip, Whole Fruit
Dinner: Salad, Roast Beef, Green Beans, Mashed Potatoes, Brown Gravy, Rolls, Carrot Cake

Staff LunchSalad, Monte Cristo Sandwiches, Raspberry Sauce, Curly Fries, Ketchup
DinnerSalad, Jambalaya, Corn Casserole

LunchSalad, Chicken Fajitas (Peppers/Onions, Cheese, Salsa, Sour Cream), Guacamole, Tortilla Chips
DinnerSalad, Lasagna, Breadsticks

LunchSalad, Creamy Chicken Casserole, Rice, Carrots, Rolls
Dinner: Salad, Pizza, Lemonade

Brunch: Fruit Salad, Egg Bake, Baked Oatmeal with Blueberry Syrup, Sausage Patties, Yogurt, Granola/Cereal, Milk/Juice/Coffee
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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